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"Dada" you rub your eyes

"What's up baby" tony asks

"Num num" you say feeling younger

"Okay baby" tony says picking you up he takes you to the kitchen

"What do you want you want fruit" tony asks sitting you on the counter

"Strawberries" you say exited throwing your hands up.

"You want strawberries want about grapes?" Tony asks and you nod exited

"Dada" you say

"Yess" Tony's aye smiling and how happy you are

"Dada mm hot" you say

"Okay baby we will put some shorts on you when we are done okay" he says kissing your nose

"Otay" you say smiling.

Tony cuts up some strawberries and grapes and puts them in your dinosaur bowl and passes it to you.

"Come on then" he says picking you up

He takes you to your nursery and lays you down on the changing table

"No" yous at sitting up

"What do you mean no" tony asks comfused

"No on here" you say

"I have to to put your shorts on" tony says and you shake your head

"Nu uh down" you say and Tony lists you donw and you lay on the floor

"Ah right you wnat me to do it on the floor" tony says and you nod.

He grabs you a pair of shorts and pulls your pants off and put them on you stand up and clap your hands

"Yeyyy" you say happy

"Come on then let's go eat your fruit" tony says and yous go in the living room you see Bucky asleep on the floor.

"Dada" you say pointing at him

"He's sleeping" tony says and you nod you sit on the sofa and Tony gives you your eat all of the fruit.

"Dada mm want num num" you say

"What's the magic word" tony says

"Now" you say and Steve burst out laughing

"No y/n it's please" tony says

"Mm fogot" you say and you give Tony your bowl

"Pweeeeeees dada more num num" you say and Tony nods

"Of course princess" Tony says

"Nnana" you ask and Tony nods

"You wnat a nanna" tony asks and you nod

Tony cuts a banana up for you and puts it in your bowl and gives it to you you eat it.

"Num num" you say

"Someone's hungry" Steve says

"Not a bad thing she kept being sick didn't she" tony says standing up he takes your bowl and goes into the kitchen.

You wine after 5 minutes of waiting

"What's up" Steve asks

"Mm want num num" you say

"Daddy's getting you some" Steve says

"Grrr num num" you wine

Steve sits you on his lap and he keeps you entertained until tony comes back.

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