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A couple of days later tony had to go down in the lab so Steve said he would look after and Bucky are in the living room playing.

"Who wants to go to the shop?" Steve asks and you and Bucky shake your heads.

Yous hated going to the shop with Steve he always mad yous hold his hand yous weren't allowed to go look at things yous had to stay next to Steve yous aren't allowed to bring your blankets or teddy's in.

"Come in guys it's not that bad" Steve says and Bucky shakes his head.

"No" you say

"Yes guys come on" Steve says he goes to picks yous up and you and Bucky make a run for it.

"Bucky down to my daddy's lab" you say running down the stairs Steve wasn't far behind yous.

You run into the lab Bucky next to you tony turns around

"What are you to doing here" Tony says and then Steve runs in

"We are going to the shop and threats final" Steve says catching his breath

"Noooo uncle tones help" Bucky says grabby you and running behind tony

"Guys it's not that bad" Steve says

"Oh it is" Tony says to Steve

"See uncwle steb it bad I Nu go" you says sitting on the floor and crossing your arms Bucky does the same

"Why don't you two stay down here in the lab wile Steve goes out" Tony says and yous nod

"Okay fine but next time the both of you listen to me" Steve says leaving you and Bucky clap you feel tony pick yous up.

He starts walking to the playpen and you scream and cry.

"No no no" you say

"Yes y/n it's not that bad I'll leave it unlocked as long as you stay in there" Tony says and you cry he sets yous both down and you cry.

"Shh it's okay look Jarvis put 101 Dalmatians on for them"

You and Bucky turn your heads to the screen in Tony's lab and it comes on you smile

"Doggie" you say

Tony puts a couple of blankets a pillows in the play pen for yous so yous can get comfy you and Bucky are laying down

"Y/n dose chu need any more blankie chu Wook cold" Bucky says looking at you concerned

You nod and he puts some of his blanket on top of you.

"Tank" you say

Yous watch the film and Tony walks in and picks the both of yous up.

"So I need to go to the shop who's coming" Tony says and yous both nod.

"We're gonna walk because we're gonna meet Steve" Tony says and yous nod

He takes you upstairs and sits yous on the couch. He grabs both of your shoes and puts them on yous

"Okay we have shoes and changing bag anything else ?" Tony asks

You and Bucky nod and run and grab a couple of things

You come back with your pacifier,teddy and blanket so does Bucky.

"Okay we have eveything now" Tony asks

"Yeah" Bucky says and you nod.

Yous all leave the tower and go and meet Steve at the hold your daddys hand and Bucky holds Steve's.

Y/ns little secret Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin