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Clints POV:

I wake up to y/n shaking me "unwel Clint"I look at the time 4:30am

"Princess go back to sleep it's night night time" I say.

"Uncwle Clint" she says upset.

"What's wrong princess" I ask

"What if daddy not Otay" see says crying.

"He will be cause all your aunts and uncles have went to go get him" I say .

We hear the lift open and y/n looks at me.

"Come on then let's go see who it is" I sat picking her up and carrying her down the hall.

We see everyone standing in the living room.

Y/n realises that Tony's not there and crys.

"Oh darling I know" Steve says taking her off Clint and rubbing her back. "I know it's okay uncle Steve's here come on it's late come with me" he continued.

Everyone's hearts broke at the sobs they could hear.

Steve's pov:

"I know my darling I know can we try and get a little bit more sleep for uncle Steve?" I say sitting on the rocking chair in her room.

"Uncwle steb is mm daddy Otay" you sob out.

"Of course he is my darling" I say rocking her.

"Uncwle stev Nu leb please"

"Sweetheart what's the matter" I ask her.

"Nu go" she says crying.

"But uncle Steve's tired and needs to go night night like you do" I say rubbing her backs

"Uncwle steb Nu" she sits up and gets off me.

"How about you come to uncle Steve's bed" I say she nods. "Grab what you want form here"

You grabs a blanket.

"Is that it?" I ask she nods. "Come on then" I say.

She grabs my hand and I take her to my bedroom and lay in bed with her we both fall asleep until 11am.

I wake up before y/n.I sit up and shake her a little. "Come on y/n" I say gently

"Mmm sweeping" she says.

"No your not" I pick her up and she looks at me.


"Daddy back"

"No sweetheart" I say she looks down I take her to the kitchen we're eveyone is.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Bruce asked y/n as it was his turn to make it.

"Nu hungry" she says.

"Come on you need to eat I'll do uncle Clint's special air line" Clint says.

"NU!" She shouts.

"Y/n don't raise your voice says sorry to uncle Clint" I say crossing my arms.

"Mm sowy" she says.

"It's okay"Clint says.

"Y/n what do you want to eat" I ask and she shakes her head and rubs away.

"Y/n come back here"

"NU!" She shouts.

"Y/n don't make me count to 3" I say crossing my arms.

"Nu eat" she was walking backwards

"1" I raise my eye brow

Y/ns little secret Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora