Tears were falling to my cheeks and nausea bobbed to my throat. Luke hugged me along with Parker as sobs escaped me while Tristan's eyes blurred too and Noah wiped his tears.

"Sunshine that's enough. You don't have to say more. We-" Hunter began but I shook my head.

"No. I will finish what I started. You deserve some answers." I took a big breath while Ian crawled in front of me and rubbed my legs in confronting.

"My parents were on the floor, covered in blood a-and their stomachs w-were w-widen open." Hunter cursed while Blake gasped.

"When I looked up it was a close friend of my father with blood in his hands and a fucking smile on his face. His name is Aiden." Growls sounded in the room, but I kept continuing until I was gasping for air.

"I screamed and crawled to my parent's bodies on the floor. Their lives were hanging from the edge, and I couldn't do anything. I tried to heal them, but my mother stopped me because she said it was their time to leave me. Tears were dropping to her face as she told me to survive, to keep doing my duty, and that she loved me."

I wiped my tears, but others were already falling. "My dad said the same things and then I saw their souls leaving the world. Their teary eyes had become steady and cold with warm smiles on their faces and their joined hands. I was so angry and sad and hadn't realized that the house was on fire."

"I started screaming and had shaken my parent's bodies to come back when an arm closed around me and started to drag me outside. I fought back to get to what was left of my parents but in moments we were outside."

"Ethan," Tristan said.

I nodded. "Yes, Ethan."

"Who is he?" Hunter asked.

"He was the fifth friend in our friendship. That day he stayed behind to practice outside while we had gone to Monica's grandma." I remember his ocean-blue eyes and blond hair. His kind smile and the protectiveness he had.

More tears fell to my face and another sob escaped. "I fought him, tried to get released but he kept me close, no intention to let me go. I screamed and screamed as the house was in flames. Then..."

I paused. I remembered my anger and the sadness of my parents. The good memories and my loving people being torn from me. The losing air as I got released from his grasp and the thirst for blood and death.

His warning screams to calm down and leave from there. The whole place was suffocating and smelled of burned flesh and ash. Bones smashed and a soul left a body. My screams as Aiden was next to his lifeless body on the ground, smiling. The power I unleashed toward everything to destroy anything in my site.

I covered my face and let my tears and sobs come. Warm arms wrapped around me, and a familiar scent caught my nose. I don't know how many minutes or even hours I was there, in Tristan's arms crying my life out. Eventually, the tears stopped, and I took a breath.

Tristan pulled away and sat on the carpet and stared into my teary face and red eyes. I lifted my head and gazed around. The guys were still on the couches and hadn't moved at all. Noah and Blake had red eyes, probably from crying and Hunter had another kinder gaze on his face.

Parker seemed sad as he watched me, and Ian with Luke kept patting me with smooth movements. Logan and Micah stared at me with sadness and anger in their eyes.

"In the end, I was the only one who walked out of the place alive. The first ones to arrive were my best friends and brothers. They knew something had happened."

"How?" Parker asked the guys.

"You see Monica has a strong power and you can say that we have been assigned from birth to be her guardians, bodyguards say what you want, to protect her."

"That's why we have some invisible tattoos on our bodies that are linking us, and we can sense if the other one is hurt, in danger, or even dead," Noah added. Parker nodded and I continued.

"When they found me, I was unconscious but after I awoke, they asked me questions. I cried and told them what had happened and then I distanced myself from everyone. I closed myself in an old and dusty room in my grandma's house. I started to eat less and didn't get outside the door. I had closed the windows so there wasn't any light in the room."

"I had nightmares and I still have some. After eight or nine months I overpassed it. I don't know how but I did it. One day, I woke up and decided not to give up and do my duty. I started practicing again and all the time went to kill the bad guys."

"Why didn't you go to your grandma on Christmas?" Blake asked.

"Sie died a year after I got myself back."

He lowered his head. "Sorry."

"Don't be."

"How this works? About killing the bad guys." Hunter interrupted. I turned to him.

"I can see if someone is good or bad. Then I decide whether to kill him or not. I have many abilities that you will see in the future now you know about me. I can turn into a tiger, and use any fae power such as fire, ice, earth, and others. My song can heal someone, I can open portals and when I want a weapon, I can summon them. It's like I have a large room with weapons that don't end."

"You can read minds like Logan?" Luke asked. I smiled at him.

"It's complicated. I know when someone is lying and see one's memories. Oh, and I can create beings from my magic to protect someone or make an army."

"You can do all this?" Hunter gasped. It's my first time seeing him react like that. Maybe he doesn't get amused easily. I smirked.

"I said that before captain. Don't underestimate me."

He coughed to hide his amusement.

"How do you know we won't say anything to someone?" Blake asked me.

I chuckled. "I know you won't and even if you decide to, you can't."

"Why?" Parker spoke.

"Because you can't. If you try to, no words will come out and no spell can force you. Even if they hurt you they won't get answers. Also, if someone searched your memories, he won't find any of my powers or secrets there."

"Wow," Luke whispered.

"Where are your brothers?" Ian exclaimed.

"There are in the demon world. They rule it." His eyes widened.

"Now I know I should never piss your brothers. If they rule the demon world, they must be scary men."

Logan burst into laughter and the others followed. I laughed too but a yawn escaped me, and I covered it with a hand. A hand set on my shoulder.

"You should go to bed, Monica," Parker said. I nodded in agreement and stood. I smiled at all of them, and Hunter walked in my direction. He stopped in front of me and to my surprise patted my head.

"Sleep well, sunshine." With that, he turned and left the room. I turned to the guys.

"Good night."

"Night, Monica."

"Sweet dreams."

I headed to my room and opened the door. I pulled the covers, not caring about changing clothes, and slipped under their warmth. The exhaustion hit me, and I fell asleep. 

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