Chapter 1

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   The weather was really hot today even though it was still May. I walked down the corridor to the new school which I'm going to attend in September. It's not that bad, it is located near a mountain, so students have access to the surrounding green trees. You see, this is not a normal school like the others. It's a school for shifters who can attend, and they can manifest their powers and abilities. Nowadays, humans don't know that supernatural and shifters are real, for example, vampires, dragons, and demons.

  The government kept this secret from humans, so they could be protected from some monsters that were lurking in the darkness and of course, so they couldn't harm the supernatural. So, your question is "What I am doing here?" or "What creature am I?". Well, I'm not sure either, the only thing that I'm sure about myself is that I am a monster and not like the other. If you knew what I am, you wouldn't approach me. It's not that I can't help for what I'm-

      As I turned to the left, I was interrupted by two people, which I sensed before I saw them. They were at the infirmary and I could see that the bigger one was sleeping on the bed and the other one sat beside him playing on his phone. Oh, I forgot to tell you that one of my powers is that I can sense anything that is breathing from miles away. Cool, huh? I know but this is one of the many powers I have and believe me, I have many.

       When I finally reached the door, I turned the knob and stepped inside. Then I started investigating the room and my gaze found the left of the room and the two guys. The boy, who was sitting on a chair, was 16 years old or maybe 17 like me. His hair felt so soft that I wanted to run my hands through them. He had brown hair which was short to the sides and long to the front. Why do I get a feeling that I want to hug him and cuddle him to sleep? Wait, did I just think to cuddle him?

      No, I was not gonna think about it, so I took a step forward. I think he sensed me because his head looked away from his phone and turned towards me and his brown eyes found mine. I took some small steps forward, and I came to a stop five feet apart from him. He still stared into my eyes before he started to take my whole form from head to toe. While he was doing this, I felt my entire face getting hot. I have had this habit since I was younger. Whenever someone talked about me, or I was embarrassed, my cheeks and ears turned red. Before he opened his mouth, I spoke before he did because I felt he was tense.

"Mmm Hi. I am sorry if I startled you, but my friend told me to meet here, but I didn't know that there were people here". I smiled politely at him and I saw that he finally relaxed.

"Hi, are you sure that your mmmm friend said that you will meet here?"

"Yes, he said we will meet here". Silence fell to the room and I took a step back to study the place. The walls were white, and it had at least 30 beds for the injured. Also, it had two cupboards full of medicine and gazes and many useful things.

"What's your name?". The boy asked, and I turned my head back to him, and I found him staring at me. Also, did his cheeks turn pink?

"I am Monica. Nice to meet you", I said. "What's your name?", "Oh, I am Blake", and gestured for me to sit on the bed next to him. When I sat down, I saw that he wore jeans and a dark blue sweater. Why was he so cute? Like why? Then I peered down to the other guy that slept on the bed.

"Is he okay? These burning scars are looking pretty bad?", I asked Blake.

"He is okay now. They give him some cream to put on them". Wow, I am surprised that he talked.  Suddenly, I felt three people approaching the door. One of them was my best friend Logan, the other one was the principal, and the last guy was some dude I didn't know. After two minutes, the door opened and they all came inside. All their eyes turned in my direction and Blake's. My best friend saw me and smiled.

"Well right on time Monica. I thought that you were lost somewhere, and I had to send someone to come search for you. I am impressed.", he said and came closer as I blushed.

"How is Pen?", the other guy asked Blake.

"He is fine, but he is sleeping now, so you have to keep your voices down".

"Oh OK", he said to him and then turned to me and took out his hand to me and said softly "Hello, my name is Lex, and I am a student here". I took some steps towards him and grabbed his hand.

"Hi, I am Monica". Finally, I concentrated on the principle when he said. "Well, you must be the amusing person Logan was talking to minutes ago".

"Oh yeah. That's me". I responded while laughing awkwardly. "Why the school is deserted, I mean it's still May, so the classes should be continuing until June". I mouthed as I inspected the principal. He was very tall and had short black hair with blue eyes. Furthermore, he wore a blue suit. "I'm sorry for my rudeness. I am Clearborn, the principal of this school. You see we are in a small predicament as a result, students cannot attend school. But the school will be open in September. Moreover, from then this school will be for the supernatural and shifters because before it was only for wolf shifters ".

"Interesting news indeed. Will we be alright?", I asked.

"Of course. You don't have to worry", he reassured me, and I turned to admire my best friend. He had brown hair that ended to his jaw and green eyes with moist lips. Also don't forget about the muscles and abs he had under his cotton T-shirt and pants.

"Monica, Tristan called and said that he will finish his basketball practice in about twenty minutes, so we have to leave and pick him up", he said, and his face turned serious and from that look, I knew we had some problems. I turned to Blake and said "Mmm, see you I guess?", and I turned crimson. It's not a fake statement, I wanted to see him again. He saw my expression and was delighted by my confession.

"Yeah, I guess we will see each other again", he said, and I felt incredible. Last, I turned to the principal and Lex and I said politely "Nice to meet you again", and walked toward the door with Logan by my side. But before I closed the door, I used secretly my power to heal Pen, the person who slept on the bed. I forgot to say that my other power is that I can heal anything even if some part of your body has been ripped off, and I don't have to touch someone to cure them.

"What do you think of the school? Because from September we will be going to this school with Tristan and Noah", Logan said.

"I think it's pretty good and clean. You know that I don't want to go to places that aren't clean, right?", I asked, and he nodded with a small smile on his lips.

"I want to see what the other students will be like".

"They will be morons like you", I said while laughing, and then he started laughing too. "Okay, I will take that as a compliment. Now let's go because some creatures appeared in a forest in Boston", he said with a serious expression.

"Okay, let's go", and I got in the same mood as we got out of the building. I was pretty sure that there would be a lot of fun at this school, therefore I wouldn't be bored. I couldn't wait.

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