Chapter 6

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WARNING! This chapter contains blood and violence. Please be ready.


I knew that something bad will happen. I knew it since Monica started to act weird with Hunter. The cafeteria is in chaos and we try to calm down the students while rescuing some who have been trapped by the pieces of the wall. I turn to where was the wolf and Monica but all I see is a red fire which I can't see through and hear screaming from Monica. Parker comes beside me with Blake while Tristan with Hunter and Ian are ordering the students out of the cafeteria. Logan is with Luke and they are helping someone who is pinned down and can't stand. Suddenly, the wolf goes flying to the wall, drops to the ground and he escapes before we can react. "We have to find Monica; she is injured and she is human," speaks Parker worried. Blake is terrified and I don't move because I'm scared too. Parker takes a step and then another but I grab his arm.

"WE HAVE TO RESCUE HER!" he shouts but when he turns ahead the fire disappears and there isn't a trace of Monica, not even her blood. Parker and Blake stare horrified. "S-she i-is not there," says Blake.

"No, we have to take her back. Maybe they took her with them. We have to find them," says Parker and turns to leave but Logan blocks his way. I realized that the place was empty except for us and the team of Maddie and the boys who were behind Logan.

"Monica is fine. She is injured but she is fine, she will come later to us." Logan reassures us. "How did you know that, you haven't seen her. Also, she has to go to a healer the wolf ripped all her shoulder flesh."

"I know that because I communicate with minds and I asked her how is she and second she is my best friend and I know her pretty well so she is fine," says Logan. "But where is she?" asks Ian. "In a room with a school teacher. She doesn't like to go to healers and hospitals." Tristan answers. "Alright, now we know that she is okay we have to help the injured to the infirmary and clean the mess." orders Hunter and gestures around. "Logan, Hunter we will take the left side and you take the right. Are you all okay?" asks Rafe, who is one of Maddie's boyfriends. Maddie herself comes forward and says "Where is Monica? Is she okay?".

"She is fine, a teacher is healing her", I say but me and Tristan with Logan we know this is not true. We don't know where Monica is or how she is.

"Noah, are you okay?" asks Monica inside my head. "Monica, where are you? Are you okay?" "Well, the wound was bad but I have shifted now and I'm in the woods, healing," she answers and I sign in relief. "Yes, we are okay, none of the boys were injured but we have some students who are hurt. We will help them to the infirmary and clean the mess."

"Okay, I won't come today and neither tomorrow because I have to heal and search for the fluffy bastard. Tell the others, okay? Bye." and she closes the link. She always does this thing. Whenever she is injured, she hides or comes to us with a smile while we know that she is hurt. But even we talk to her she continues to do the same thing and the reason for that is that she wants to protect us. After, the accident with Ethan she secretly goes to battles and missions alone in order we can't see her killing creatures. Parker signs but he still feels worried so I go to him and whispered "Don't worry, she is okay." and he relaxes just a little bit. "Alright let's get to work," shouts Hunter.

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