Chapter 5. Making Amends

Start from the beginning

The garden itself was in full bloom, with a tapestry of flowers gracing every corner. Roses, daisies, and tulips painted the landscape with their vibrant hues, infusing the air with their delightful fragrances. The sweet scent mingled with the laughter and conversation of their beloved family members, creating an atmosphere of joy and togetherness.

In the midst of the beautifully arranged garden, a stunning birthday cake took center stage, becoming a delightful focal point of the celebration. Positioned on a decorated table, the cake stood tall, exuding an aura of sweetness and celebration.

The cake itself was a masterpiece of culinary artistry. It was adorned with intricate designs, expertly crafted from smooth fondant and delicate icing. The colors of the cake mirrored the vibrant blooms of the garden, with hues of pastel pinks, blues, and yellows that added an extra touch of whimsy and cheer.

Atop the cake, a beautiful arrangement of edible flowers and delicate sugar decorations adorned the confection. The flowers, carefully crafted with incredible attention to detail, added a touch of natural elegance to the creation. The entire masterpiece radiated with an irresistible allure that captured the essence of Meerab's special day.

As Meerab and Murtasim joined the rest of their family members, her parents beamed at her. "How's the surprise, dear?" Waqas asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

Meerab glanced around, taking in the enchanting scene, and murmured, "It's truly beautiful, Baba. Who went to all this effort?"

"Murtasim ne kya hai ye sab tumhare liye," Salma Begum joyfully revealed.
(Murtasim did all of this for you.)

Meerab turned to look at Murtasim, her eyes narrowing as she resolved to remind him that no amount of grand gestures could compensate for what he had done. However, for the sake of her parents, she decided to keep her temper in check, at least for now.

Meanwhile, Murtasim couldn't help but feel relieved that he had witnessed Meerab's initial reaction to the arrangements before she discovered his involvement. He knew it would take time to change her perception of him.

After Meerab cut the cake, everyone erupted in cheers and showered her with birthday wishes. Salma Begum removed her bangles and delicately placed them on Meerab's hands. "This is my gift for your birthday, my dear. I present you with these precious family bangles because mei ne tumhe apne Murtasim ke liye chun liya hai," Salma Begum declared the union of Meerab with her son, her smile radiant.
(Because I have selected you as a wife for my son Murtasim.)

Murtasim felt like the ground could swallow him whole. Maa Begum's unexpected announcement had shattered his plans. How could she make such a decision without consulting him beforehand? Wasn't he the one responsible for all the decisions in the house? How could this engagement be decided without his consent?

As Meerab stepped back to process the situation, she couldn't help but interpret the arrangements as Murtasim's way of showing affection before their official engagement was announced. However, deep down, anger simmered within her. She knew that no amount of grand gestures could erase the pain he had caused and how dare he assume that a grand party would make her say yes to him.

No wonder he'd been so upset to see Rohail propose to me because he had planned all of this, she thought. Filled with a mix of emotions, she stormed into the house, her footsteps echoing Murtasim's anger.

Murtasim, seething with resentment, marched into the house too, his frustration palpable. He couldn't believe that Salma Begum had made such a decision without consulting him. The anger within him intensified as he entered the house.

Both of them sought refuge in their respective rooms, refusing to accept Salma Begum's imposition on their lives.

In their separate spaces, Meerab and Murtasim grappled with their emotions, unwilling to succumb to the circumstances forced upon them. The air in the house grew heavy with tension, as their anger and frustration reverberated through the walls.

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