3. Hi

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Today I wanted to make sure and tell anyone who is reading my story that a new chapter of "Jello Fight" will be published every week on Wednesday until all chapters have been published.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy 😉

  "This is a school, right? Jack?"
  "Yeah? Oh, yeah. This is a school. They should really update their online profile."
  "No kidding."
  "Mrs.Pelin said it grew but I don't think even she knew it had such a drastic growth."

  When our college counselor told me about Wedderdams private college, she said her grand aunt Lenna M Pelin went here and that she worked here as a professor till she was eighty-two. Mrs.Pelin also said that her brother works here as the basketball, tennis and volleyball coach.
  She never said that the college campus was the entire city of Wedderdams.

  Jack and I didn't waste another second looking at the map. We had studied it the whole way here and we knew that the emptiness would not last long.
  The offices were two blocks away from the bus drop off and we needed to hurry or there is no way we could stay close together. We entered the air-conditioned building and split straight to the dorms admittance windows. Him to the guys and me to the ladies.
  The girl at my window looked a lot like Matilda. When she spoke I had expected her to sound like Matilda but she didn't. Not even a little.

  "Hello," her voice upbeat, "Since your here very early you are able to choose where you would like your dorm to be." She raised her brows slightly and had a little mischievous smile.
  My answers were ready. Jack and I had practiced our every answer to be as close to each other as possible. We didn't cover the first question I was asked.

  "What is your name," that dumb question, but she didn't stop. "-where you were born, your age and what grade you are in."
  "I, uhh. I'm. Uh oh."
  She gave me a funny look, I was too nervous, I laughed. Right In Her Face. When she started to laugh I stopped. Abruptly.
  "It's okay. Uhh," she looked down to the name tag on my shirt and very quickly back up to my eyes, "Danica? What is your last name?"
  "Perdita. Spelled, P.E.R.D.I.T.A."
  And we went on from there.

  Jack finished all his office tasks first and I met him outside. I watched him for a few seconds and he started walking away, I scrambled to follow him.
  "You messed up on every answer didn't you?"
  "Yeah." I was guilty.
  "I knew you would." He said it smugly, his voice quiet.

  "Hey, your the one who forgot to remind me that the people here don't know who I am."
  "It's okay, Danica. When I heard you laugh I knew it wouldn't go right."
  "I'm sorry. Now we won't get to be together and your gonna make new friends and we are going to grow apart because we can't spend as much time togeth-"
  "Danica!" He cut off my ramble, "I changed all my answers. You chose the south wall instead of East right?"
  "I chose west. And you chose the edge building instead of a center one."
  I did, "but now we are going to be away. That's not what we wanted." I did not understand what he getting at.

  "The edge building you chose has both guys and girl rooms. We are going to be one floor away."
  "And even though you won't get the sun rise, if you visit me, you'll get the setting."
  "Oh, Jack."
  "Yeah. No sweat."
  His smile as we turned the corner reminded me that I have the best friend ever.

We timed it just right. Before we went past the building I saw a small crowd spill out of a bus. The noise was cut off in the middle of a loud laugh. I'm glad I wasn't on that bus.

  Jack has only one roommate. I have five.
  For an entire 7 hours the only word I heard from anyone I could hear was "Hi."
Or "Hi!"
Or "Hi?"
Or "Hi!?!" 
But I'm pretty sure I also heard at least one hour of "High" Hi's.
  The only not 'hi' conversation I heard was at two in the morning between Jack and one of the Jessica's in my dorm.

  I didn't even get to talk to Jack the day after it or the day after that one.
  The only talk I had with him the whole first week of settling into dorms was on the fourth day of being here. And it consisted of Hi's and
  "Danica, your going to have it hard this year."
  Then my neighbor Dolly found us in the hallway at five in the afternoon and dragged Jack into her evil lair of what I'll never find out because I'm never going into my neighbor, Dolly Reif's room.


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