1. For Matty

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  School was always hard for me. But everyone goes through hardship. So, I did my very best. Turns out, my best was just the right amount.

  Elementary was as it always is, junior high was hard. My freshman year of high school was harder. But after that, my brain just clicked. I could spend time with people and still work hard for school. I could be just like everyone else. So, I did.
  I made it through my needed years of school, my only free years. College was the next step. College is the next step. To be like everyone else, to not bring hardship to anyone else. College is the step I'm taking.

My parents were ecstatic when I gave them the news, my little sister Matilda, was even happier.
  My leaving would rip off the Band-Aid our parents placed on her even though she was never bleeding. And Jack, don't even get me started on Jack.
  When I told him we were going to the same place, he kissed me.
  Right on the lips.
  For three solid seconds.
  I guess he was even happier than Matilda. He apologized the very second after and told me to warn him before I tell him things that are "just too grand."

  I took a two month summer and off Jack and I went to Wedderdams private college. The next step to a peaceful life was coming right to my feet, for just "a few small payments of" what I don't even know could be used as currency.

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