She groaned , clutching at her head as it throbbed painfully. The only thing she could hear was the loud shouting going on around her which didn't help her ease the pain at all, in fact, it made it worse.

"Please stop arguing" She whispered but obviously the other two couldn't hear her. Tears slipped from her eyes as her chest heaved up and down quickly.

Then, the pain was unbearable to the point where she couldn't take it anymore and it build up inside of her like a volcano ready to explode at any moment. She tried holding it in, only making it more painful for herself. She couldn't take it anymore.

She held out her shaky hands in front of her, her palms were firey red as she closed her fists in an attempt to calm down. But it didn't work, if anything, it made it a lot worse.

"STOP!" She screamed loudly. Abuela and Nora both stopped arguing to look at the source of the loud noise. All they could see was a small figure in which they knew was Julianna. However, they couldn't see her clearly due to the tornado-like wind twirling around her.

Before they could react, they were pushed to the ground by the intense wind coming at them. Vases were knocked off of tables as picture frames fell down from the walls.

Nora was quick to hide behind the couch, pulling Abuela down with her as they were almost hit with a glass vase but they moved out the way in time for it to hit the wall instead.

They could hear the loud thunder roaring outside as they looked at each other with panicked looks. "What's happening to her?" Abuela shouted over the commotion.

"I don't know, this has never happened before!"

Then, everything had suddenly stopped. The thunder outside was quiet as the sun took over again. The wind was no longer blowing inside the house, leaving them to look around at the mess. Nora and Abuela both hesitantly stood up from their hiding place behind the couch.

They both looked at Julie who was now standing up, her eyes slowly changed back into their normal colors. None of them uttered anything as a moment of silence passed.

Julie looked around the house. She saw the broken furniture on the ground as Abuela and Nora stood up from their spots, both had scared expressions on their face. Julie's face turned red in embarrassment as she started to cry, running to her room and slamming the door behind her.

"I'm gonna go talk to her," Nora was the first to break the silence before she headed up the stairs to Julie's room. She knocked twice before entering slowly, "Jules?"

She could hear the soft cries from under the small bed as she got on her knees to peek under only to see the red head girl hiding under the bed, sobbing.

Nora sighed as she sat down on the floor by the bed, "I'm sorry that we stressed you out with the arguing" She broke the silence, she paused, waiting for an answer only to not receive one in response.

"It's not your fault that happened, it's me and Abuela's fault. Okay?"  The cries had stopped followed up by a couple of sniffles. "Abuela wanted me to get a tutor to help me with my grades but I don't want to be known around school as 'the girl who's failing math so she needs a tutor' but I guess Abuela is right. I guess I should at least give the tutor a chance, it could really help me a lot."

My Rose | M. WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now