They were both quiet for a minute, then Butters looked at him shyly. "So, why were you at Stark's Pond at 3 in the morning?"
Stan sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I confessed my feelings to someone, and it went badly. They don't feel the same."

He felt Butters lean against his shoulder. "I'm sorry Stan. It's his loss."
Stan arched his brow at him. "Who said it was a guy?"
Butters face turned red. "I'm sorry, I just assumed it was Kyle."
He groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Am I really that obvious?"
Butters wrapped his arm around Stan's shoulder. "I'm really sorry Stan."
Stan nodded and his eyes teared up as Kyle's words echoed through his mind again.
I'm sorry Stan, but I don't feel the same way.

He leaned against Butters as the blonde wrapped his other arm around him. He cried quietly against Butters shoulder as the other boy rubbed his back.

After a few minutes they pulled apart and Stan rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm. "Sorry."
Butters reached out and brushed Stan's hair back, then turned pink when he realized what he'd done. "You don't have to be sorry."

Stan smiled tiredly. "Let me find you something to sleep in."
He walked to his room and changed quickly, before grabbing a t-shirt and sleep pants for Butters.

Once he was in the living room, he handed the clothes to Butters and showed him where the bathroom was.
While Butters was in the bathroom, Stan wandered back to his room. He stared down at his bed and realized he didn't have any extra blankets or anything yet.
He didn't have a problem sharing his bed, but didn't want to make Butters uncomfortable.

He heard the bathroom door open and stepped into the hallway. "Hey um, I just realized I don't have any extra blankets, so… we might have to share the bed."
Butters nodded as a light pink blush spread across his cheeks.
"Th-that's fine."
Butters followed him into his room and Stan closed the door.
He turned to look at the blonde, and felt that odd feeling in his chest again. Butters looked adorably tiny in his clothes.
5'9 wasn't really that tiny, but Stan was 6'1 and still slightly tipsy.

He crawled into bed and patted the space next to him. Butters climbed up beside him and crawled under the covers.
Stan laid down next to him and pulled the blankets up. He yawned and almost instantly felt his eyes grow heavy.
"Night Leo."
He felt Butters shift slightly, then a warm hand brushed his hair back. "Good night Stan."

Stan wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep, but when he woke up it was still dark out.
He scrambled out of bed as his stomach flipped and ran for the bathroom. He made it just in time to empty the contents of his stomach into the toilet.
He sank to the floor and heaved again, before leaning his head against the toilet.
As he threw up a third time, he heard footsteps behind him, then Butters was rubbing his back.

He waited a few minutes then attempted to stand up. Butters held his arm, keeping him steady. Stan gave him a shaky smile. "Thanks."
Butters nodded and watched him carefully from the doorway as he brushed his teeth.
He caught the blonde's eye in the mirror and grinned at him, mouth full of toothpaste.
Butters giggled and shook his head.
Stan rinsed his mouth out and turned around. Butters moved forward, peering at him. "Feel better now?"
Stan nodded and Butters smiled softly. "Good, let's get you back to bed."

Stan followed Butters back to his room. Before they climbed back into bed, Stan grabbed Butters hand and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you."
He felt the blonde relax against him. "Of course Stan."
Stan knew he should let go, but it felt nice to hold someone, and Butters didn't seem to mind.
He brought his hand up and ran his fingers through Butters hair, the texture amazingly soft.
He felt Butters shiver against him and pulled his hand away. "Sorry."
Butters glanced up at him, face pink. "It's okay, it felt nice."
Stan looked at him curiously. "Yeah?"
Butters nodded and Stan reached up and ran his hand through the blonde's hair, slower this time.
Butters shivered again, his lips parting slightly.
Stan found himself suddenly enamored with the soft pink lips in front him.
Butters looked at him curiously and Stan forced himself to focus on something, anything else .
"We should probably go back to bed."
Butters nodded and pulled away, getting into bed and under the covers. Stan climbed in next to him and laid down, trying not to think about the fact that he'd just thought about kissing Butters.
What the hell is wrong with you?

Sure Butters was incredibly cute, with his soft blue eyes and slender frame, and that faint scar that gave him just a slight bit of an edge, but Stan had just confessed his feelings to his best friend.
So what was he doing, thinking Butters was attractive and feeling some type of way about it.
Maybe I'm drunker than I thought.

But his mind was actually pretty clear after throwing up.
Well if you didn't count the confusion about the blonde next to him.

He turned his head to look at Butters and found the blonde still awake. "Can't sleep?"
Butters shrugged. "I guess not."
Stan slid closer to him. "Come here."
Butters moved over and Stan wrapped his arm around his shoulder, tucking the blonde against his chest.

He felt Butters snuggle against him and smiled. He ran fingers up and down Butters' arm and started singing softly.

There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will tear your city down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord

There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word
He will slay you with His tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord
He will slay you with His tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord

He felt Butters breathing slow and looked down to see the blonde fast asleep. He smiled softly and closed his eyes.
"Good night Leo."



I know that was a little short at only 1,700 words so let me know if anyone is interested in a part two 😁

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