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              Stan X Kyle
        (Not overly explicit)
               Age: 17/18

It had been two whole days since Stan had blurted out that he liked Kyle and kissed him. Kyle had stared at him in shock before touching his lips and cocking his head at Stan curiously. He then assured Stan he wasn't mad, but he needed a couple days to think.

Now Stan was sitting on his bed, staring at his phone.

Kyle 💚: Can I come over

Stan: Yeah dude, of course. Mom and Shelly aren't home, so just let yourself in.

Stan waited in his room, head spinning with all the possible scenarios that could happen, none of them good.

A few minutes later he heard the front door open and close, then Kyle called his name softly up the stairs. Stan tried to answer but nothing came out. He heard footsteps on the stairs, then his bedroom door opened.

Kyle closed the door and walked over and sat down next to him.
Stan couldn't bring himself to move as he dug his fingers into his knees where he had his hands braced.
"Stan, look at me." Stan started to shake as he turned his head to look at Kyle, preparing for what he knew was coming. Kyle didn't like him. Not like that. Maybe not at all anymore.

What he wasn't ready for when his gaze met Kyle's was the look of determination as he leaned forward and kissed Stan square on the lips. Now it was Stan's turn to stare in shock as Kyle looked at him worriedly.
"Stan? You okay?"
Stan nodded mutely as he continued to stare at Kyle.
Kyle cocked his head, smiling. "You want to try that again?"
Again Stan nodded.
Kyle leaned forward, bracing his hand on Stan's thigh, and placed his lips against Stan's.
Stan's brain finally registered the warm mouth against his and he brought his hand up to cup Kyle's face and kissed him back.

They pulled away and Stan saw the sparkle in Kyle's eyes and the faint pink covering his cheeks. He cleared his throat. "Was, uh, was it okay?"
Kyle nodded, smiling. "Yeah, yeah it was."
Stan finally smiled, his own face turning pink.
Kyle shifted so they were sitting a little closer and grabbed Stan's hand. Absent-mindedly he started tracing the scars on Stan's wrist.
"When you kissed me the other day, I was surprised. I had no idea you felt that way. Maybe I should have." He chuckled. "But you wanna know what the best part is?" He paused to look at Stan, who was watching him intently. He smiled before continuing. "I didn't know I felt that way until you kissed me. I spent the last two days thinking about that kiss. I've never felt that way about any other kiss. Not one. I couldn't wrap my head around it. So I went to Kenny's. I needed someone to talk to about it. Do you know what he told me? He said "Kyle, you think too much. Did you like it or not?" I finally admitted I did. So he told me to quit being stupid and do something about it. So I did."
Kyle looked up at Stan who was watching him with a smile. Kyle chuckled and ran his hand over his face. "So here I am."
Stan covered Kyle's hand with his free hand and leaned forward. "So here you are."
"I can't stop thinking about it now."
Stan looked at Kyle curiously.
"Kissing you. God Stan, I like it. I like it a lot."
Stan felt his pulse quicken as Kyle looked at him, in an odd, almost desperate sort of way. Stan cleared his throat. "Give me a second?"
Kyle nodded and Stan slipped out of the room.
As soon as Stan left Kyle got up and paced nervously around the room. He jumped when the door opened and Stan stepped back in the room. "You okay?"
Kyle nodded and blew out a breath. "Yeah."
Stan rubbed his hands nervously on his jeans. "So what do we do now?"
Kyle looked at Stan, almost pleadingly. "Kiss me again?"

Stan gazed at Kyle, his breath coming in short bursts as he moved closer to the beautiful redhead. Slowly he reached out and placed his hand on Kyle's cheek. Blue eyes met green and Stan saw Kyle biting his lip nervously. Tracing his thumb gently over Kyle's lower lip, he moved closer and tilted Kyle's face towards his. Kyle's eyes sparkled in anticipation. Stan closed the distance between them, placing his lips on Kyle's, softly at first then harder. He heard the redhead gasp then felt his lips moving fervently against his. Stan deepened the kiss, pulling Kyle against him, one hand fisted in his soft curls, the other gripping his hip.

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