Lifesaver Part 3

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               Stan x Kyle
              Age: 17/18


"So, what do you want to do with the rest of our day?"
Kyle looks at me expectantly and I shrug. It's been awhile since I've done anything besides hide in my room.
Kyle looks around for his phone, picking it up from the bed behind him. He checks it briefly and sets it back down. "We could go to Kenny's. He's got his own place now. "
I nod. "Yeah I heard about that."
Kenny had dropped out of school when he was seventeen and got his G.E.D. Now he worked full time so he could support himself and Karen, who pretty much lived with him.

I smile to myself. It's been way too long since we all hung out.
"I'm down, let's go."
I stand up and my head feels fuzzy for a minute. Kyle is looking at me worriedly again.
"You okay? You look a little pale?"
I close my eyes and take a deep breath before answering. "Yeah, I just got a little dizzy."
Kyle moves in front of me and lays his hand against my forehead. "You feel a little warm. Maybe we should just stay home."
I push his hand away. "I'm fine, mom."
I actually don't feel fine. I feel slightly feverish and my body aches. But I'm not ruining the chance for us all to hang out.
Kyle looks at me skeptically, mouth pressed into a thin line.
I roll my eyes at him. "Kyle I swear, I'm fine."
He nods and moves over to his dresser. "I'm gonna get dressed. I have clothes you can borrow."
I shake my head. "I'm good. I'm finally warm."
He shrugs and pulls clothes out of his dresser. "I'll be right back."
He leaves the room, presumably to change in the bathroom.
I've never really cared, but Kyle hates changing in front of people. He thinks it's weird.

I sit back down, waiting for him to get back. I don't have to wait long before he steps back into the room. He tosses his dirty clothes in his laundry hamper and grabs his hat off his desk.
I touch my head absently as I look sadly at my pile of still wet clothes.
Kyle follows my line of sight and frowns.
Suddenly he's standing in front of me and shoving his hat on my head. I look up at him in surprise, eyebrow raised.
His cheeks flush and he averts his eyes, mumbling. "I don't want you getting sick."
I struggle with a response. I'm not used to someone caring about me. It's nice.
Before he can move, I grab his hand. "Thanks."
He nods and runs his thumb over the back of my hand, then pulls away and looks back down at my wet clothes. "We should probably throw those in the dryer before we go."
I nod in agreement and scoop up the pile of wet clothes. I groan when I see my shoes. They're still soaked too.
Kyle just pats my shoulder. "You can borrow a pair of mine."

I follow him down to the basement, where we find his mom already doing laundry. She eyes the wet clothes in my hands, then her eyes flick up to Kyle's hat. She smiles softly and glances at her son, then back to me. "Just leave your clothes on the dryer Stanley, I'll throw them in the wash."
"You don't have to do that." I mumble.
Kyle huffs at me. "Stan."
I set my wet clothes on top of the dryer. "Thanks Mrs. Broflovski."
"Please, just Sheila is fine."
I nod and Kyle puts his hand on my shoulder, pushing me towards the stairs. "Bye mom. We're going over to Kenny's."
"Okay bubbie, be home in time for dinner."
"Yeah mom, sure." His face is red as he practically shoves me up the stairs. I try not to laugh at his obvious embarrassment over his mom's nickname for him.
Even though I actually think it's sweet that she still calls him that.
I shake my head in amusement as I continue up the stairs, Kyle's hand still pushing against my back.


The walk to Kenny's doesn't take long, which I'm thankful for. I'm already cold again.
We stand in front of his apartment door and Kyle knocks on the door.
A few seconds later it swings open to reveal a slim blonde, dressed only in a baggy t-shirt and a pair of boxers.
"Who's at the door, Buttercup?"
I hear Kenny's voice come from inside somewhere and take a closer look at the blonde boy in the doorway. Butters smiles awkwardly, his face bright pink.
"Hey fellas."
Kenny comes up behind Butters and wraps his arms around his waist. His eyes light up when he sees me, smirking when he sees Kyle's hat.
"Hey guys, come on in."
We follow them inside and I notice Kenny only has on a pair of sweatpants and no shirt.
I grin as I sit down next to Kyle on the couch. "Are we interrupting something?"
Kenny smirks and sits in a worn recliner, pulling Butters into his lap. "Nope. We were done already."
Butters groans and buries his face in his hands.
Kenny just smiles at him and kisses his shoulder.
I shake my head, still smiling.
Poor Butters.

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