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              Stan x Kenny
                  Age: 17

Just a little note, this is an alternate scene from my story More Than Friends


It was Saturday morning and Stan was sitting on Kenny's couch as Karen painted his nails dark blue. Kenny watched with amusement from the recliner.
"Ok now go like this." Karen mimed shaking her hands around, fingers spread. Stan obeyed while Kenny snickered at him. Stan glared at him, sticking out his tongue. Karen giggled and capped the nail polish before getting up and taking it back to the bathroom.
Kenny shook his head.
"She's got you wrapped around her little finger."
Stan shrugged, inspecting his fingernails. "I like it. Besides, she paints your nails."
"Yeah but I'm her big brother, it's my job."
"Fine you caught me, I'm a big softie who couldn't say no."
Kenny laughed. "Almost no one says no to Karen. You should see Butters with her. Total marshmallow."
Stan laughed and shook his head. "Doesn't surprise me."
Stan looked back down at his nails, smiling. It really did look cool.
"Do you like it?"
He looked up to see Karen peering at him expectantly.
"Yeah Kare, they look great. You did a really good job."
Karen beamed proudly. "Thank you." She turned to look at Kenny. "Can I go to Red's? I'm going to do hers too."
Kenny nodded. "Sure Kare bear, just be home in a couple hours, okay?"
"Okay." She pranced off down the hallway to the bathroom. She came back with her nail polish and waved at them before leaving.

Kenny leaned forward and nudged Stan's foot with his.
"So how are you doing?"
Knowing exactly what Kenny was referring to, Stan sighed and rolled his eyes. Kyle's date. "Dude, I'm fine. I'm happy for him. He's liked Nichole forever."
Kenny raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You can talk to me."
Stan smiled. "I know Kenny, and I appreciate it. But really I'm fine."
Kenny still looked skeptical.
Stan groaned and ran his hand over his face. "Seriously I'll be fine. I'm not gonna freak out or anything."
Kenny nodded. "I know man, but it's okay if you're bothered by it. Your feelings are valid too."
Stan chuckled. "Dude, are you a therapist now?"
Kenny shrugged, grinning. "Only on my days off from everything else."
Stan shook his head and leaned back against the couch. "You've got enough to worry about without adding me to the list. I'll be fine."
Kenny got up from his chair and crossed his arms. "You're my friend Stan, I'm allowed to worry about you.
Stan sighed. "Fine."
Kenny uncrossed his arms.
"Maybe you just need to get laid. We could always fool around."
Stan felt his face heat up and he stared at Kenny stupidly.
The blonde burst out laughing as he turned around and sauntered into the kitchen. "I'm not hearing a no." He sang over his shoulder.

Stan couldn't get his mouth to form words as Kenny came back from the kitchen with a soda. He watched Kenny set the can on the table, before moving to stand in front of him. "Stan?"
Stan looked up at the blonde, still unable to speak. Kenny smiled at him softly and slowly climbed onto Stan's lap, straddling him. "Is this okay?"
Stan nodded and Kenny leaned forward wrapping his arms around Stan's neck. Without a second thought Stan wrapped his arms around the blonde and tugged him closer. He couldn't deny that it felt amazing. He hadn't ever held anyone or been held like this. He nuzzled his face against Kenny's neck, noticing the blonde smelled surprisingly like vanilla. He felt Kenny relax against him and shift so that he was sitting sideways in Stan's lap.
"I keep forgetting you haven't had a lot of affection."
Stan heard the hint of sadness in Kenny's voice and pulled him even closer, not trusting himself to speak. Kenny shifted again and gently pulled away. "Let me up for a second."
Stan complied and Kenny shifted until he was on the other end of the couch. He leaned back, legs spread. "Come here."
Stan scooted closer and Kenny pulled him down until Stan was laying on his chest. Stan felt Kenny wrap his arms around him and Stan sighed contentedly. He slid his arms up to wrap around Kenny's neck.
He wondered briefly if this was weird, but decided he didn't care. Not any weirder than when we made out.

He hadn't realized how badly he craved physical touch until now.
He buried his face against Kenny's chest, eliciting a soft laugh from the blonde. He felt Kenny slide one of his hands up to his hair and run his fingers through it softly. Stan moaned softly, causing Kenny to laugh again. "That good, huh?"
Stan nodded against his chest, trying not to drool at the sensation. He sighed, relaxed, as Kenny ran his fingers through his hair, lightly grazing his head as he did so.
Stan snuggled closer, fighting the urge to close his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this relaxed.
"It's fine, you can fall asleep. I don't mind."
Stan shook his head stubbornly. "Uh uh."
Kenny chuckled. "Seriously, it's fine. I'll wake you up in a bit."
Stan sighed, giving up and closing his eyes as Kenny continued stroking his hair.


Kenny listened to Stan's breathing even out as the dark haired boy drifted off. He smiled to himself, still playing with Stan's hair. It was surprisingly soft and silky. He watched the light play off the inky strands absently as he thought about the boy sleeping against him.
He felt a wave of sympathy wash over him. Poor Stan. He couldn't fathom being that isolated for so long. It was no wonder he suffered from panic attacks. Stan had always been the most sensitive of the four of them.
He shifted slightly, bringing his leg up from the floor to rest alongside Stan on the couch.
He brushed his hand softly over the sleeping boy's cheek. Stan hummed contentedly in his sleep. Kenny brought his hand back to Stan's hair and continued running his fingers through it.

Kenny had realized around thirteen or so that he was good with casual affection. Holding Karen when she was smaller had always comforted them both more than words ever did.
So whenever he was at a loss for words when someone was upset, he hugged them. In doing so he provided comfort, while also fulfilling his need for physical contact.
However add hormones to the mix, and that probably explained why he lost his virginity at fourteen.

He looked down at Stan and frowned slightly. He wondered if Stan even knew how much he gravitated towards any kind of affection. Kenny looked at his friend sadly and held him a little tighter. Stan sighed in his sleep and buried his face against Kenny's chest. Kenny smiled and closed his eyes. The warmth coming from Stan's body was comforting and Kenny felt himself getting sleepy. A few minutes can't hurt. He leaned his head against the couch and let the sound of Stan's breathing lull him to sleep.


Red followed Karen back to her house, listening as the younger girl chatted about how Stan had let her paint his nails. He's such a softie.
Karen reached for the door knob, pushing the door open and stopping just inside the door. She turned to Red, with her index finger against her lips, then crept inside and down the hall. Red stepped in behind her and quietly shut the door. Turning towards the living room, she spotted Stan and Kenny asleep on the couch, Stan sprawled across Kenny's chest, arms around his neck, while Kenny's were wrapped around Stan's back, one hand fisted in his black hair.
She felt her heart squeeze as she watched them, and she smiled to herself. So cute.
She pulled her phone out and snapped a quick picture, before heading down the hall to Karen's room.


I might do a part two for this. Peace ✌️

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