Chapter 21- Who are you?

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~Aquarius's POV~

I sat in the living room, waiting for Libra and Gemini, as usual. I looked at the clock and just left without them. I walked out but saw no one and waited for a minute but still no one came out. I decided to just go to the canteen. When I arrived, I saw everyone sitting at a table, looking around. Cancer spotted me and waved me over. 

"Oh hey! How did you two get here?" I asked Gemini and Libra. "We walked right past you- you were in deep thought," Libra answered. "Um, you guys? Aries..." Leo trailed off, looking at the table. He wasn't there. "He wasn't in our dorm in the morning," Sagittarius said nervously. "This again?" Capricorn asked as he sighed. 

We all turned towards Virgo who put her hands up and shrugged. "I know nothing about Aries," Later, I went to go get some water and I heard footsteps approaching. "Hi.." I said, receiving a reply "Um who are you," I turned to see...Aries? "Um, Aries? It's me, Aquarius" "I don't know who you are," Aries ( I think ) replied. Was this some imposter? 

"Well, I'm a zodiac and everyone's waiting for you. I can bring you there!" I said kindly. "Actually, no I'm good my self-taught GPS will get me there, you don't seem really smart- also I don't know you." Uh... so rude! I said to myself, I wanted to scream it in his ears so badly. Who did he think he was? I mean maybe this is a prank! But still! 

Honestly, Aries was never my favorite person, he was a bit too much, but this just made it worse. He was just some Celt-centered annoying a-hole! How had he changed so much from before? "Calm down Aquarius, be kind" I snapped out of it giving him the side eye. He looked annoyed and I felt a bit accomplished. 

When I reached the canteen, everyone screamed and ran up to Aries. Hello, DO I EXIST..... I said, of course to myself, but still, I wasn't a ghost to everyone a while ago until your Highness came. It's not like he was kidnapped he was just gone. Like who did he think he was to act so kind to everyone and give me an attitude? 

Cancer came up to me offering pizza, but I declined looking at Aries, trying to analyze his damn behavior. "Hey, why are you staring at Aries, you alright?" Cancer whispered to me. My dumb self screamed, "Ha! Nope, nothing is wrong just trying to analyze why this guy is treating me like crap!" I said. 

Oh shit, I said in my head. I hadn't meant to say that out loud. Everyone looked at me like I magically transformed into a human and my ghost self disappeared. I felt tears forming in my eyes and stormed off, screaming "YOU'RE WELCOME FOR FINDING HIM!" I left as Cancer followed me. 

"Omg, Aquarius! I know that was embarrassing but you were like a boss!" she told me. My frown lit up and I was in shock, "Are you sure Canc?" "Of course! It was amazing to see you like that but maybe it was a bit too loud," Cancer nervously grinned. 

OF COURSE, SHE HAD TO SAY THAT, my smile got washed by Cancers water. "What happened tho?" she asked kindly. I explained everything to her and she looked shocked. "He doesn't know who you are? Tsk- his loss cuz gurl you're unforgettable!" she winked as I felt brightened by Cancer's enthusiasm. 

Suddenly a felt a little tap on my shoulder. Oh god, who was it now? I JUST thanked myself I didn't scream that out loud because the person who tapped was no other than the ARIES, I felt so mortified when he was six feet away from me, NOW HES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!! 

Like really? I don't want to see you right now! "Keep calm, and don't talk," I said to myself. I gave him a nod, and surprisingly he said "Hey, are you ok? That was probably embarrassing, I get it-" Hold up, WHAT? Did Mr. Leader just say he UNDERSTANDS me?! He doesn't even know who I am! (apparently!) 

Back to this annoying conversation. My stupid self again said "Oh, thanks for "understanding" but how would you understand me? Do you even know what understanding means?" He nodded and left. This man was not only self-centered but he was also so— "AQUARIUS you need to calm down, don't you think you already did enough damage" My brain advised me. 

"Uh...Aqua?" Cancer said, eyeing the table. WHY IS EVERYONE LOOKING AT ME!?!? I grabbed my bag and swished out of there, I couldn't help but notice Aries looking at me like...

~Aries POV~

"Ring!" I looked at my phone to see a message from the group chat. "Hey, y'all- wanna hang out at our dorm? " Gemini texted. I sent the thumbs-up emoji and was about to put my phone away when I heard another "ring!" It was from... Aquarius? That was odd. I thought about the incident earlier. I tried to remember her, but I just couldn't! I remembered the other 10 zodiacs, but not her. 

I couldn't help open it and it was quite a lot. I read most of it and wondered why she had written paragraphs of explanations and apologies. I just sent another thumbs-up. I rolled my eyes and walked my way to the Air Signs dorm. I knocked on the door, awaiting a reply. I heard screaming from inside.

"Aries! You showed up!" Gemini practically screamed in my ear. I "politely" replied, "Do you wanna make me deaf?" Gemini rolled his eyes like normal. I came inside and realized I was the last one there. I also noticed Aquarius wasn't there. I snapped out of it when I heard Libra- "ARIES! You're here!" he yelled. "Can you both calm down?" They rolled their eyes and went to go get some food. Wonder where Aquarius is. Not that I really cared. 

I looked around the room and saw the usual- Sagittarius, Leo, and Taurus watching Netflix, Pisces and Cancer drawing, Virgo and Scorpio arguing, and Capricorn reading a book. I suddenly heard Gemini yelling for Aquarius. "We haven't seen her since school today. Her door is locked and there is a do not disturb sign on it" Libra said. "I think we should check on her," Cancer said, concerned. 

The group got up and Sagittarius whipped out a lock-pick. "Do you always have that with you?" I asked. She whistled and looked away as the door opened. We rushed in to see nothing but some tools, a letter, and broken jewelry pieces. Aquarius was nowhere in sight. 

Taurus rushed over and grabbed the letter and read it loud- "Aquarius here. Some guy came here and trapped me in the basement. I don't have much time- please find me," it said. What was wrong with this girl? She really had the most perfect handwriting and grammar- even when she was about to be potentially dead. That was my brain. 

I did feel a bit concerned and nervous, but I wasn't going to show that! "Not again! We have to find her!" Cancer cried as we all rushed out to find her. I ran to the basement and opened it expecting it to be locked, but it wasn't. 

We quietly and nervously walked in with a flashing. As we got closer, we heard a scream. We saw a man on the floor, dead and Aquarius on a ladder hurt. She slipped and screamed and I ran over and caught her just as she fell. The second I touched her, memories came rushing back and everything blacked out.

~Cancer's POV~

I sat in my dorm room with Aquarius next to me. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. "I'm doing fine Cancer, don't worry," she assured me. After that whole kidnapping ordeal, I felt constantly on edge. "Well you should thank Aries that he caught you- you could've died, I said. 

"What do you want me to do? Bow down to him? I already thanked him once," Aquarius said snootily. 

"Jeez girl- he remembers you know and he apologized, why are you still angry?" I asked. "I'm not, I just...I'm just confused. How did he suddenly forget me and remember me again? It doesn't make sense," she paused, looking at me as we thought the same thing. 

"Do you think it has to do with his power?" I asked. "Maybe he can forget people? Weird power- there's probably more to it," Aquarius said in thought. "So if you don't hate him...maybe you love him?" I raised an eyebrow. "What? Are you crazy? No of course not!" she screeched as I cringed. 

"Fine calm down" I whispered. Then she asked me the dreaded question. "Well, who's on your mind Cancer?" she smirked. My eyes widened as I quickly said "No one!" but my face gave it away. "I won't tell anyone Canc, promise," she said. "Fine...I like someone but I don't think he liked me back. It's-" I was cut off by Pisces bursting through the door. 

I jumped. "Hey, Pisces," Aquarius and I said in unison. "Hey girls-it's getting late and Gem and Lib are looking for you," Pisces said gesturing at Aquarius. "Oh, thanks Pi," she said, getting up. "Pi?" I asked. "Ah- just what I call him sometimes," Aquarius said heading out. I frowned but didn't think too much of it. At least I got saved from telling Aquarius who I like...

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