Chapter 4 - Get to know each other! Part 2

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~Virgo's POV~

I started getting nervous as we gathered into a circle on our floor. Even though all these girls seemed nice, I still didn't know them. But I decided we were all in the same boat, and I would let myself be free and speak the truth. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Cancer asked, biting her lip. "I think we should maybe ask each other questions about things we're curious about," Leo said, chewing her gum and twisting a strand of hair around her finger. "Good idea!" said Aquarius.

"Ok, so, the first question, what is your favorite hobby?" Sagittarius asked. "My favorite thing to do is traveling and relaxing!" Taurus said. "Um... My favorite thing to do is draw. It helps me express my feelings." Cancer said. "I apologize if I'm quiet... I'm just shy." "Hey, don't worry! You'll warm up to everyone soon." Aquarius said, smiling warmly. "My favorite thing to do is dress up and put on make-up," Leo said, flipping her hair. "My favorite thing to do is read," I said. "Looks like we're going to have to get this one to loosen up," Sagittarius said, smirking as she nudged Leo. "Oh god..." I said, feeling worried. What do they mean? I thought to myself, concerned.

"Well, my favorite thing is going on a good old-fashioned adventure or just exploring," Sagittarius said. "Lastly, my favorite thing to do is help others with volunteer work or therapy," Aquarius said. "Let me know when you want that session, Cancer," she said as Cancer nodded. "Ok, I have a question. Does anyone have any ex-boyfriends?" Leo said, giggling. Cancer sighed. "Nope," said Taurus, Cancer, and Aquarius. "ArE yOu sureeeeeee?" Sagittarius said as she and Leo laughed.

"I have a few exes, I think," said Leo, counting on her fingers. After a minute, she's still counting. "A few?" Aquarius says, smirking. "Ok- maybe a lot..." Leo said, blushing. "I have probably 2 or 3- not sure," Sagittarius said. "What about youuuuuu Virgo?" she said, smiling. "Um..." I said, looking down, my face turning red. "Ooooooooo," said Leo and Sagittarius in a sing-song voice. "Whooooo?" they asked, smirking.

"Fine, I um...I have one, but I'm NOT telling you guys who." I said, my palms sweating. "C'mom, tell us!" Leo said, smiling widely. "You two leave her alone," Taurus said as I gave her a grateful smile. "Fine- but we'll find out eventually," Sagittarius said. "Hey, do you guys have a crush on anyone here?" Aquarius asked. "Aquarius, we got here yesterday; I seriously doubt that," Cancer said skeptically. "Well..." Leo trailed off as Cancer raised an eyebrow. "I met this cute boy yesterday, Libra. I don't know him very well, but he seems nice," Leo said. "Get to know him, and who knows?" Aquarius shrugged.

"Virgo, I have a question for you," Taurus said. "What's up with you and Scorpio?" she asked as all heads turned to me. Shit, I thought. I can't tell them the whole story, but I want to be honest with them. I cleared my throat. "So you guys know we didn't know each other before we got here?" I said as they all nodded. "Well... me and Scorpio have known each other for almost two years..." I said, cringing as their eyes grew wide. "Really?!" Cancer asked, stunned. "Yes, and I'll say we didn't have the best...uh..." relationship," if you must," I said frowning. "Relationship," Taurus mumbled and started murmuring to herself.

I knew exactly what she was thinking, and she was correct. But there was NO way I was telling anyone the whole story. Even if I wanted to (which I don't, by the way), I'm not supposed to. But that's a whole new thing. "That explains you guys fighting and giving each other dirty looks," Aquarius observed. "Well, you know what they say!" Leo said, smiling. "There's a thin line between hate and lOoOoOve!" she exclaimed as she and Sagittarius burst out laughing. "Shut up," I murmured as Cancer sighed. "You two are so immature," Taurus said, shaking her head. "Agreed," Aquarius said.


~Scorpio's POV~

"So, what do you guys think of this place?" Aries asked. "Seems pretty nice," Capricorn said while munching on some chips. "Cap, we just ate breakfast. Why are you eating again?" I asked as he shrugged. "There are some cute girls here; I must say," Libra said, grinning. "Dude-really? We've been here for less than 24 hours." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I know, but there was this cute girl I met yesterday...blonde eyes...argh! I forgot her name," he groaned. "Um...Leo?" Pisces offered. "Oh ya, Leo! How'd you know?" Libra asked. "Oh...uh, I just remembered her from yesterday," he said, his face flushed.

"Ok, you guys, I have an idea, and I want to run it by you five," Aries said. "I was thinking about going on a trip or vacation. We have three months until 10th grade and need to make the most of it. It would also help us interact and be fun and relaxing," Aries explained. "I think that's a great idea!" Pisces said, smiling. "Ya sounds fun," Capricorn said. "Yesss, relaxation," Libra sighed dreamily. I shrugged. "Sure-why not?" Aries grinned at our responses, then turned to Gemini, who hadn't said anything the entire time.

"What do you think, Gemini?" Aries asked him. "Oh...uh, sure," Gemini said, looking astray. "Gem, what's wrong? Why have you been so quiet? Are you alright?" Aries questioned. ", I'm kind of quiet, I guess. I'm not all really into social interaction..." he said as he bit his lip. "Hey, don't worry about it," Aries said. "I get it; everything's new and different- I'm not used to this lavish lifestyle, and I'm pretty sure we can all agree with that," he said as we nodded.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I may be secretive, but I've been backstabbed many times, so I have minor trust issues." Gemini said sheepishly. "I feel you. I'm secretive too, don't worry about it," I said as he grinned. "Anyways, I think the vacation is a good idea," Gemini said as Aries smiled. "Ok, I was thinking we could go in two weeks, so we have time to shop, pack, and get things ready," he explained. "Also, we can NOT tell the girls about this," he said. "Wait- why? I thought this was for all 12 of us," Pisces asked, confused. "It is, but I thought that we could surprise them. We'll tell them that we're going on vacation and to get ready. But, we won't tell them WHERE we're going until we get there," Aries said. "Get ready for the ruins of your eardrums. Those girls are going to scream LOUD," said Libra as we sighed. "But wait, Aries, where are we going? You can tell us, right?" Capricorn questioned.

"Oh, ya. I forgot, sorry. We're going to.................................................!



"What's this meeting for?" asked Sagittarius, fidgeting on the couch. Aries had gathered everyone in the living room for a meeting to discuss his plan. "Ok, ladies, the boys and I discussed something earlier, and we would like to share it with you all," Aries explained. "Everything is already planned and done, so there is NO backing out," he said. "Aries, just tell us," Leo said impatiently. I think the girls were getting a bit restless. 

"Ok, so... WE'RE GOING ON VACATION!" he said enthusiastically. All the girls were quiet for a second and had shocked looks on their faces. Then, they started screaming. We covered our ears right away as I winced at the sound. "Why are you girls so dramatic about everything?" Libra yelled over the notice. Eventually, they calmed down, but they were buzzing with questions. "Ok, so we have two weeks until we leave. So we need to shop and pack. Please don't waste any time; we only have two weeks. Today is Friday, and our flight tickets are next, next Friday at 9 AM," he explained.

"Wait, we're flying?" I asked nervously. "Of course, it would take way too long to drive there," Aries said. Oh, come on! I thought. "Wait, Aries, where are we going?" Virgo asked. "That is a surprise for you girls," Aries said, smiling. "Really?" they said, groaning. "Look, know it's going to be hot, so pack light and cool clothing. Don't pack too many fancy things; pack more athletic, comfortable clothes. Fancy dresses or suits will only be worn for formal dinners or things like that. Again, pack more light, comfortable clothing, and sneakers," Aries said as the girls nodded. "We're going on vacation!" they squealed before heading to their rooms.

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