Chapter 5 - Mall

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~Sagittarius's POV~

It had been a week since Aries announced our vacation, and we girls STILL didn't know where we were going for this trip. This was the last weekend we had before our flight. We decided to spend this weekend shopping for clothing, supplies, and food.

"Ok, so we all remember the plan, right?" Aries asked as we were having breakfast Saturday morning, and we all nodded. "Wait, Aries, we only have four cars, so we should get in groups of 3, right?" I asked. "Yes, I thought we could go by our elements: Fire signs, Earth signs, Air signs, and Water signs," Aries explained. We all headed out to the cars as we finished breakfast, got into our elements, and drove off to the mall.

"Ok, let's split up. Boys can go their way, and girls can go their way because I'm pretty sure girls and boys would go to different stores," Aries said as we got there. We all split up and headed our way.


With the girls...

 "Where should we go first?" Taurus asked. "Ooo, look! The Zodia company!" Leo squealed as we all rushed inside. "Ok, let's meet back at the entrance in an hour, and we'll go into the dressing rooms and try on everything we want. We can give each other advice and recommendations and buy whatever we decide at the end," Aquarius explained as we ran off to different sections.

After only 30 minutes, my hands were full of shirts, shorts, skirts, pants, jewelry, and more. I ran to every store corner, ensuring I had everything I wanted, then headed to the entrance. After everyone was there, we headed into the changing room and tried everything on. We each decided to put together a few outfits and show each other. "Ready?" I called as I looked at myself in the mirror in the tiny room. This was my first outfit, and I knew it would be my favorite. "Ready!" They all called as we rushed out.

Taurus was wearing a cute top, a flowery skirt, and sneakers. Cancer wore a simple crop top, jeans, a pretty flower pin in her hair, and sneakers. Leo wore a short dress up to her knees, butterfly pins, a charm bracelet, a necklace, and sandals with straps. Virgo was wearing a t-shirt, jean shorts, and slip-on sneakers. Aquarius was wearing a shirt, a medium-length skirt, and sneakers. And me? I wore a flowy sunny dress, a summer hat with a trim, earrings, sunglasses, sandals, and other accessories.

"Oh my god! We look so FAB!" Leo said, twirling around as we admired each other's outfits. "We NEED to buy these!" I said, smiling. "Totally!" Aquarius said. "Let's try on the rest of our other stuff!" Virgo said as we went back into the dressing rooms. We tried on, put together a few other outfits, and then headed to the check-out counter to buy everything we liked.

"Phew," Taurus said as we headed out of the store with tons of bags. "That was exhausting," she said as we nodded. "I think we have enough clothes since we got a lot from the store, and I'm pretty sure we have nice clothes at the mansion, too," Cancer said as everyone agreed. "I'm famished. Do you guys wanna head to the food court?" Aquarius asked. "Sure!" we all said.

With the boys...                                                                                                                                                                      

"Well, I think we got everything we need," Aries said as we scanned our bags. We bought some clothes, shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, food, and other supplies for the trip. "It's 1 PM- let's go get lunch,' Capricorn said, looking down at his watch. "I'm so hungryyy," Libra groaned. "Shush, be patient. We're going," Gemini said as they headed off.

After about 5 minutes, they arrived at the food court. "Wow, it's crowded here," Pisces said, scanning the area. The lines for the food places snaked around buildings, and all the tables were filled with people. "Hey, wait, I think I see the girls," Scorpio said, squinting at one of the tables far off. "Really? Let's go check it out," Aries said as we sprinted to the table. 

"Hey, it is them!" Pisces said as he waved at them, trying to get their attention. Finally, Leo turned around and saw them. "Hey, look, the boys!" Leo exclaimed as she waved back. After a minute, we were at the table. "Hey guys," Sagittarius said while taking a bite of her burger. "Hey," we all said in unison. "We saved seats; we had a feeling you guys would come here soon enough," Aquarius said, motioning to the seats. "Thanks, girls," Aries said as we placed the bags under the table and sat down.

"We have extra food too!" Cancer said as she slid us our food. "Oh my god, thank you! I'm so hungry!" Libra said as he put a few fries in his mouth. "Dude, chill," Scorpio said as he grabbed a taco. "Anyways, did you guys get what you came for?" Pisces asked. "Yep, we got tons of clothes," Taurus said, pointing to the bags beside them. "What about you guys?" Virgo asked. "We got a lot of things we'll probably need. I think we got a good run," Capricorn said, scanning inside of the bags. "We'll check everything at the mansion; let's eat first," Gemini said as we devoured the food.



"Ok, you guys, we have everything we need for our vacation. We only have five more days until our flight, so we need to start packing and other preparations," Aries said. "Aries, I have a question," Virgo said, raising her hand. "Should we bring our own money?" she asked. "Well, I'm bringing an extra few hundred dollars but sure. It would also be useful to have some extra cash with you- just in case," Aries answered as Virgo gave him a thumbs up. "Oh, I completely forgot to mention, we're going to be there for seven days, so pack accordingly," he said as we headed up and started packing.

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