Chapter 18- Secrets

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~Pisces's POV~

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I was awoken by my alarm. This was the first night in our dorms. I quickly got up and changed and headed out of my room to make breakfast. When I got out, I saw Scorpio and Cancer, struggling with the stove.

"Need some help?" I asked. "We just can't turn this stove on," Scorpio muttered in frustration. After several tries, we finally got it working and made breakfast. "Ouch!" I heard. I turned to see Cancer, holding her hand and she looked like she was in pain.

"What happened?" I asked rushing over to her. "Oh- I just burned myself, I'm fine," she assured. I quickly grabbed a cloth, soaked it in cold water, and wrapped it around her hand. She smiled.

"Um, you guys? Do you smell smoke?" Scorpio asked. I looked back at our stove- it was on low, now smoke. "I'll go look," I said and hurriedly rushed out of our dorm. Suddenly, I heard a scream. It was coming from the fire signs dorm. Suddenly, I saw Virgo come out of the Earth sign's dorm, holding a fire extinguisher.

"You smell smoke?" I asked her. "Yep- I hope it's nothing serious- stay behind me," Virgo ordered. She opened the door and we saw Leo and Sagittarius, running around in their dorm while a huge fire blazed on their stove. Virgo rushed in and use the fire extinguisher to get rid of the flames.

"Are you guys OK?" I asked concerned. "I think so- we were trying to turn the stove on and I guess we turned it on too high and we couldn't find the fire extinguisher," Leo said in a rush. "Where's Aries?" Virgo asked, noticing he wasn't there.

"I don't know- we haven't seen him since him at all," Sagittarius said. "Well, we're going to be late if we don't get ready, he might already be out or something," Virgo said as we rushed back into our own dorms. 

"What happened?" Cancer asked worriedly. "Just a small fire-it's gone," I answered. "Fuck- we're going to be late," Scorpio said, looking at his watch. We decided to just eat breakfast at the canteen and quickly grabbed our stuff. Just as we exited, everyone else came out of their dorms.

"You guys all ready?" Virgo asked as we nodded. "Hold up- where's Aries?" Aquarius asked, noticing he was missing. "Probably in the Canteen?" Virgo guessed as we headed down. When we got there, it was very crowded. Gemini quickly snagged a table for us as we got our food and sat down.

"Still no Aries?" Taurus asked, looking around. "He might be in the constellation room," Libra said as we scarfed down breakfast and headed to our first class. Finally, it was lunch. Aries wasn't in any of my first classes so I still had no idea where he was.

I headed to the break room and when I entered, I saw everyone was already there. And by the looks of it, no Aries. "I'm starting to get worried- I haven't seen him at all, and he won't pick up any of our calls," Capricorn said. Suddenly he winced and rubbed his temples.

"You ok?" Taurus asked. "Just a headache," he assured her. Suddenly, we heard the door creak. It was Mizar, Mergez, Dubhe, and Merak. "Oh hey," Sagittarius greeted with a smile and a wave while the rest of us just nodded.

"Hey- how have you guys been?" Mizar asked. "We're doing fine- quick question, have you seen  Aries?" Leo asked quickly. "Oh- I think I saw him a while back outside- I'm not really sure," Dubhe said sheepishly.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Aries was standing there. "Virgo, we need to talk. Now," he said urgently. "Aries!" we all cried. "Where have you been? We've been worried," I said, relieved he was back. "I can't explain right now, but I need to talk to Virgo," he said kind of out of breath. 

We stared at Virgo who looked equally confused but got up and followed him out. "Uhm, is he ok?" Merak asked, biting his lip. We just shrugged. "What was so urgent?" Scorpio wondered aloud. "Ya- why did he need to talk to Virgo?" Libra asked confused. 

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