Chapter 6 - Morning of the flight

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~Aquarius's POV~

It was finally the day we were flying too... um, we girls didn't know yet because the boys refused to tell us. We had tried begging and bribing them to at least give us a hint, but they wouldn't budge. We would find out today when we landed and went to the house we would be staying in.

It was 5:00 AM, and suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "Wake up! Wake up!" came a voice. It sounded like Virgo. I groaned, got out of bed, brushed my teeth, showered, changed, and headed out. As I headed downstairs, I saw Aries and Virgo running around checking suitcases and bags. 

"Am I the only other one awake?" I said, yawning. "Well, Virgo and I went around and knocked on everyone's doors, yelling "Wake up!" but we'll give them some time. You came pretty quick- it's only been 10 minutes," Aries said. "I was awake anyway, probably why," I said, glancing at the stairs. "We'll give everyone 20 more minutes. If they don't come down, we'll have to go inside their rooms because we need to be at the airport by 7:30," Virgo said, scanning what looked like a checklist. 

"Anyways, after everyone's here, we'll eat breakfast, do any last-minute packing, check all the bags and suitcases, clean up, and then head to the airport at about 6:30. It's an hour away," Aries said, looking over Virgo's shoulder at the list. "Got everything?" he asked. "Well, some of this stuff is in the other bags upstairs, but everything that's supposed to be in our bags and the general bags is here," she said and then looked up at me. "Aquarius, can you get your suitcase and bags? We want to put everything for each sign so we can check we have everything before we leave," Virgo said. "Sure, I'll go grab them now," I said, heading back to my room.

As I lugged my suitcase and backpack down the stairs, I saw some other people had gotten up too. Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, and Pisces were downstairs, putting their suitcases and backpacks behind the named tape with their names on it. "Hey, you guys," I said as I walked up to them, placing my bags behind the piece of tape that said "Aquarius." "Hey, Aquarius," they all said.

"Ok, so the only people missing are Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius," Aries said, scanning the clock. "10 more minutes until 5:30," he said. "You guys can sit down for a bit. We have a tiring day ahead of us," Aries said, motioning to the couch.

By 5:30, Gemini and Sagittarius had made their way downstairs. "Ok- it's 5:30, and Scorpio and Libra aren't downstairs. Virgo, you get Scorpio, and I'll get Libra," Aries said. "Wait, Aries! Can you get Scorpio? Thanks!" She said, running up the stairs before he could answer. "Ok then..." he shrugged and headed upstairs. "Why did she do that?" Pisces said, looking concerned. "I think she hates Scorpio; I'm not exactly sure," Taurus said sheepishly.

After a few minutes, Aries and Virgo came downstairs with Libra and Scorpio trailing behind them. "Wasn't once enough?" Scorpio groaned, carrying his luggage behind Aries. "I was coming, jeez," Libra said as Virgo rolled her eyes. "Ok, you two, place your luggage behind the tape with ur name," Aries said, motioning to the pieces of tape as they placed their bags behind the last empty spaces.

"Ok, now that everyone's here, check and make sure you have all your luggage and everything you want to bring," Virgo said as Aries whispered something. "Ok," she mumbled as she scratched something off and wrote something on her list. "Ok, check your luggage! Virgo and I will check the other bags with supplies," Aries said as they walked off, muttering to each other.

"What are those two whispering about?" Leo said, staring at them as they walked off. We all shrugged. "Maybe they're planning something; who knows?" I said, confused. "Lovebirds," Scorpio said, rolling his eyes. "Dude?" Capricorn said, raising an eyebrow. "Those two are going to be ruling this trip, so you probably shouldn't get on their bad side," Gemini said. "I don't give a-" "Ok, ok language..." Cancer said, cutting him off. "Let's check our luggage," I said as we started rummaging through our stuff.

After a few minutes, Aries and Virgo were back. "Ok, you guys, let's eat breakfast," Aries said as we headed to the kitchen. We quickly finished breakfast and headed back to the living room. "Ok, it's 6:15; let's start loading our luggage," Virgo said, checking the clock. "Wait, are we taking the cars?" asked Sagittarius. "No- the cars don't have enough space in the cars. We rented a van with enough space for us to all sit comfortably and for all our luggage fit," Aries said, motioning outside at a HUGE van.

"Ok, everybody grab your bags; let's go!" Virgo said as we headed out. We loaded all our bags into the van and then sat down. Aries was driving, and Virgo sat in the passenger seat next to him. Behind them were three rows with two seats in each row. 2 people could sit in each chair, and one extra seat for luggage or anything else.

Taurus and Cancer sat together in the first row, and Gemini and Libra sat together. In the second row, Leo and I sat together, and Pisces and Capricorn sat together. In the last row, Sagittarius and Scorpio sat together. After we got settled in, Aries started driving. "Hey Aries, how are we going to get the van to D- I mean... the vacation house?" Pisces asked. "You guys, he said D! What places start with D?" Cancer exclaimed as we started muttering to ourselves. "Denver?" asked Leo.

"No, we are not going to Denver, Leo. And to answer your question, Pisces, someone is going to drive it over to the vacation house while we're flying there," he said as Pisces nodded. After about an hour, Virgo announced, "We're here!" she said. "Everybody grab your luggage- you can leave things you don't need for the flight in the van," she said as we grabbed our luggage from the back and headed inside. While Aries talked to someone about the van, Virgo led us to the check-in, where we got all our suitcases checked into the flight. 

After Aries caught up with us, we headed to security. "I'm preparing you guys; the line will be long," Virgo said. As we got there, we realized what she meant. We all groaned as we saw the extended, snaking line for security. "Come on, come on! It's only going to get longer," Aries said as we shuffled off to the line. We were all on our phones until, finally, after 45 minutes, we reached the front. A woman was standing behind the conveyor. "Ok, put all your bags, devices, metals, jewelry, shoes, and other extras/accessories on the conveyor in bins!" she said in a bored voice.

We placed all our stuff in, and the bins slid through. We went through the detector, got our things, and finally headed to the gate. After we got to the gate, we found 12 seats. "Ok, you guys, we board in 30 minutes; there's a convenience store right here; if you want any food, drinks, magazines, or anything else, get it now before we board," Virgo said as some people headed off.

After 45 minutes, we still hadn't boarded. "Let me go see what's taking so long," Aries said, looking at his watch. Just as he was about to get up, an announcement was made. "Flight 235 has been delayed. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will keep you updated," said the voice. We all groaned. "Well, we might be here for a while. Make yourself comfortable," said Virgo as we settled down.

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