Chapter 8- We're here!

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~Aries POV~

As we got off the plane, we rolled our luggage down the ramp and met at the exit. "Ok, who did this?" I asked, annoyed. "Not me!" everyone said. "Well, obviously, some prankster decided to prank us- but it's a coincidence that all of us zodiacs were pranked," I said, trying to come up with a logical explanation.

"Well, what's done is done; let's get our luggage and head out," Capricorn suggested as we all headed toward the baggage claim. As we got there, we found our bags almost right away. "Why is my bag so light?" asked Taurus. "Same!" agreed Gemini. "Ok... we have our 12 bags, but the supplies and food bags still haven't arrived... we might have to wait," I said, tapping my foot.

After about 15 minutes, the bags arrived. "Jeez, these are heavy! What did we pack in these? Rocks?" asked Cancer, lifting the heavy load of the conveyor. Scorpio and Sagittarius snickered as Virgo shot them a dirty look. "That's odd... these bags weren't that heavy before, and our bags were heavier earlier..." I said, confused. "Um... maybe you're just confused. Come on; the van is waiting!" Virgo said, running ahead. Pisces sighed. "Let's go," Leo said as we followed Virgo out.

We got into the van, put all our luggage in the back, and drove off. "Ok, the house is about 45 minutes away," Aries said, looking at google maps. "Ok, you guys have to tell us where we are now! Come on!" Aquarius urged as the girls nodded. "Aries, come on. Just tell them!" Virgo sighed, annoyed.

" you already know where we are?" Leo asked, shocked as they all turned towards her. "Yes, I do," Virgo said, rolling her eyes. "I had to put in the directions for our destinations, so I know," she said sheepishly. "WHAT?!" the girls exclaimed, and even the boys looked shocked.

"You know, and you didn't tell us?" Sagittarius exclaimed as all the girls started pestering her. "You guys leave her alone. Just look at the signs outside. You'll find out," I said as Virgo gave me a grateful smile. As we drove up to a sign above, all the girls stretched their necks to see the small writing. Their eyes widened. "OMG! WE'RE IN FLORIDA!" Leo squealed as the girls started screaming.

"If I go deaf, it's because of you guys," Scorpio winced. "Agreed," we all said. After a while, we arrived at the house. "Wow- this place is huge!" Libra said, scanning the house. "I could leave here forever!" Sagittarius exclaimed as they got out of the car, unloading their stuff. "C'mon, let's head inside," Virgo said, ushering everyone. As we got inside, everyone gasped. It was even more prominent on the inside!

I wasn't too shocked since I had booked the house and already had an idea of the interior, but it looked even better in real life! There was a huge living room with a flat-screen TV, a big kitchen, a dining area, six bedrooms, six bathrooms, and even a rec room! There were two floors covered with tiles, and the furniture was all wood and marble.

"Ok, the first order of business- we have to decide on bedrooms! There are six bedrooms, so we each have to share with another person," I explained. Eventually, we decided. I was with Libra, Taurus was with Virgo, Gemini and Scorpio, Cancer and Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius, and Pisces and Capricorn. "Ok, let's go get settled," I said as we headed to our rooms.

Libra and I headed up to our room which was on the second floor. "This house is nice," Libra said, scanning the area. "Ya, honestly, it was pretty hard finding a house that would occupy 12 people," I said, remembering the hours Virgo and I had spent searching. "Well, it was worth it," Libra said, as we walked into our room. There were 2 beds and we placed some of our spare belongings on each of them "Our personal bags are downstairs, we'll get them later. Let's go make dinner," I said, as we headed back to the kitchen.

When we got down, everyone else was already there, hustling in the living room and kitchen. "Im famished," said Taurus, her stomach grumbling. Everyone nodded. "Let's just make some sandwiches, it's already late," Virgo suggested, looking at the clock. Everyone got acquainted with the kitchen while Cancer went to grab some things. She opened up her personal bag, remembering that she had packed some water bottles, in case she needed them on the flight.

As she opened up her bag, we heard her gasp. "What's wrong?" Gemini asked, turning towards her, as everyone turned to face her. "My suitcase... my suitcase is empty!" she cried, stepping back. "What!" we all exclaimed, rushing over to her. Her suitcase was indeed empty. We opened all our personal suitcases and realized they were empty too! "That explains why they were so light!" Leo realized. "Wait..." said Capricorn, heading over to the other bags.

"The supply bags were heavy, so maybe..." he trailed off, opening the other suitcases. We gasped. All of our clothes and things we had put in our personal suitcases were in the supply bags! "Another prank?" Aquarius groaned. Suddenly we heard snickering. I whipped around to see Sagittarius and Scorpio, back in the kitchen, covering their mouths. "Did you guys have something to do with this?" asked Pisces.

"Noooo..." they said, looking nervous. Virgo rolled her eyes. Capricorn narrowed his eyes, walked over to their bags, and opened them. They too were empty. "Well, their bags are also they might not have anything to do with it... but this is like the icing on the cake of the pranks that have happened- let's hope it's the last" he said, rubbing his temples.

"We'll sort this out later- let's just eat dinner" encouraged Pisces as we made dinner and quickly ate. We were all too exhausted to stress too much about anything. After we finished eating, we quickly sorted our stuff back into our bags and brought them to the rooms. "Hey Aries," Sagittarius said, looking through the doorway of our room.

"Yes?" I asked, drying my hands and setting my alarm. "Well... we know we're in Florida, but what are we doing tomorrow?" she asked. "You'll find out tomorrow, I said, smiling. "Haven't we waited enough?" she groaned and headed back to her room.

"Hey, Aries- I heard voices, who was that?" Libra asked, popping his head out of the bathroom. "Oh, just Sag- she wanted to know where we're going- but I told her she has to wait until tomorrow morning," I said, yawning.

"Oh, well she's going to be in for a surprise," he said grinning as I nodded. "Well, let's head to bed- I'm exhausted," I said, yawning again. We quickly changed, turned the lights off, and headed to bed.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating for 2-3 weeks- I was a bit busy but I'm already working on the next chapter! If any of you have any ideas/suggestions for the next chapter(s) or something you'd like to see, please let me know! See ya!

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