Chapter 15: Feeling Sick

Start from the beginning

When I was finished, I dressed up nicely.. I wore a linen spaghetti strap top matched with a white cape, white skirt that's just above my knees and doll shoes. I brought a white sling bag with me.

I looked at myself in the mirror before going outside.. "Astrid? Where are you going? Dressed like that?" Heather asked looking at me suspiciously

"Out" I simply replied

"With someone?" She asked back

I sighed and nodded, she gasped in surprise and shouted it to the whole dorm. Ugh, I quickly went outside and texted him.

When I was just about to send my message, someone honked their car loudly and that shook me as I flinched. I looked outside and spotted him.

I walked over to his car only for him to get out and open the door for me. "Hello my lady.." he said as he opened the door holding the upper part of his car to make sure I don't bump my head onto it.

I got in and put my seatbelt on as he got in as well. "Why is my lady so quiet?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"Why don't you just drive, if you wanna talk we should've just talked here at my place." I said rolling my eyes out of annoyance

Gosh, he suck at flirting. I told him to switch places with me.

"Whoa, Whoa.. princess I don't want you getting hurt-" he explained

"Yeah, and I don't care if you get hurt. If you want your backbone still intact better switch places with me before you lose it." I said and roughly got out of the car

He put his hands up showing a sign that he won't fight back and he got out as well switching places with me. When I got in I held onto the steering wheel I told him to hold on tight

He was laughing at first but when I started the car and drove off he held onto his car and screamed loudly. When we arrived there some of his stuff was on the ground, "Yuck, next time you invite me make sure you clean your car first" I said then took my seatbelt off and walked out

"Okay.. yeah, princess that sure is a fun ride, we should do it again" he said and winked at me, yuck

I looked around and went inside, yup this is Berk mall.. the country's biggest mall. We went inside as he wrapped his hands around my waist. I stopped and stomped onto his foot then walked off.

I left him there whining as he held his foot where I stomped him. He soon caught up to me, annoying. "Hey there! Miss me?" He asked with a smirk then winked at me, again

'Gosh why did I agree to this date?' I asked myself. I ignored him and sat down on one of the tables

"I'll order, what do you want?" He asked

"I would very much like it if you shut up for a moment so I could think of what I want to eat." I said giving him a fake smile, he seemed to understand and shut up.

After, I found what I wanted to eat so I called the waiter over and said my order, of course I asked him if he knew what he wanted and he nodded then winked at me, again.

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