~ Chapter Six ~

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Jia sighed as she watched Tae walk up to her.

One hand in the pocket of his trousers, his hair falling over his forehead and onto his eyes, the top button of his white shirt undone. Her breath hitched. Why did he have to be so fucking gorgeous? she cried to herself.

How was she even supposed to try to resist him?

It wasn't fair that he should affect her like that. She wasn't some inexperienced virgin who blushed at winks and broke out in goosebumps at every touch, she reminded herself. She was lethal. She devoured men like they were brunch and spit out their bones.

She straightened up as he came closer. Determined not to show any weakness.

"I think we should leave now. I'll drive. I don't like the colour the sky is turning" he said holding his hand out for the keys.

Jia looked up at the sky. She had completely missed how dark it had gotten. It was turning a dull, threateningly grey colour which indicated an incoming storm. She handed the keys to him and walked around to the other side of the car, quickly getting in. Tae had gotten in on his side already and started the car.

He drove down the road they had come from. In less than fifteen minutes of driving, they were hit hard by the storm. The car seemed to sway from the force of the wind and the rain poured down so hard that it left the visibility to almost nil.

Tae reduced the speed of the car and the drove ahead for another half hour. The storm seemed to get worse and worse the further they went.

"I can barely even see anymore. I'm going to pull over." Tae spoke, his voice barely reaching her through the roaring sound outside. She simply nodded gripping her seat.

Tae slowly pulled over to what looked like the side of the road. He couldn't be sure though. It had turned dark and the rain formed a thick curtain around them.

They stayed there for some time, trying to distract themselves with music and small talk but the storm kept raging around them.

Tae looked around through the windshield.

"I think we need to get out of the car and find shelter" Tae remarked.

"Wouldn't that be opposite of safe though? At least we are dry and warm in here" Jia said, not wanting to go out and get drenched.

"No, seriously. I'm not even sure if we are off the road. The visibility is so poor someone could come crash into the car. Also the car is completely electronically controlled. The water seems to be pooling around us. If it gets too high, the car could shut down and we'd be stuck inside. Either option doesn't work for me. I very much want to live." He said nervously.

"But where would we go?" She asked.

"I think I see a light up ahead. Right there. Do you see it?" He asked pointing out towards the right side of their car. "We could run" he looked at her tentatively.

She stared down at her heels and then back up at him with wide eyes. He looked at them too. "Will you be able to?" He asked again.

"On a road, yes. But if we run on soft ground, I doubt I'd get too far in these." She looked back down at her stilettos.

"We should still try Jia. We are at serious risk just sitting here." Tae tried.

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