Chapter Eleven

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*Last Time *

** at the house **

After I took a shower I layer down and buddy laid his head on my lap.

An hour later I heard buddy barking and when I looked there was a fire in my room. And I coughed harshly the smoke getting into my lungs I soon closed my eyes and saw him again...


**Meeka POV **

I saw him look at me he held no emotion but in his eyes behind that cold stare I saw sadness.

He takes his death scythe and it goes towards my stomach and soon I saw my life flash before my eyes years streaming down my face.

** William POV **

I saw the fire start but saw a boy running with red short hair "that's not how she died it was a fire that started next door not a boy...... Honestly" I noted it down and jumped to Meka window seeing her dying

I walked closer "Will....iam...." She said weakly I felt something in my chest tighten but I didn't know what was it.......I'm sorry meeka. I stabbed my death scythe to her stomach and then saw her cinematic record studying it and making my decision based on what I see which was she kissed me on the cheek.

" I made my decision.."

** Shinigami Dispatched office **
In the higher up office

"Are you sure Mr.Spears that what you did was certain and helpful to us." The higher up says sternly to William as he was reading the files and looking at the cinematic record for the second time.

"Yes sir... That will spare us the trouble of Sutcliff." William said calmly. "Okay well make sure this will grow for the better of us." William fixed his spectacle with the to of his scythe and bows and turns on his heel and walks it the office towards his.

" honestly.... This is going to be troublesome. " thought William as he walked to his office.... "Ah yes the dog....." He sighs "I'll take it he won't let no one touch him." He walked closer to his office and opens the door

"I see your awake welcome to Shinigami Dispatch society "

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