Chapter Nine

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*last time*

where am I ....." when I sat up I winced and held my stomach and when I look close enough I was only in a black t-shirt and pants. "what... who tend to my wounds... " as I heard a soothing music I then started to remember what happen to me a few hours ago....

"Meeka saved me.."

*** William POV ***

I thought about how she slide to my death scythe and killed them both....she took me in her home and I ended up unconscious again.

I listen to The music and felt my tensed body start to relax and I manage to see through my blurry vision my leg was wrapped as well feeling all my wounds throbbing painfully.

I got up slowly groaning in pain the I tapped slowly on what I think was her night stand and felt my glasses and put it on. I looked at the mirror and saw that she fixed my glasses since two small tape pieces on the sides and I was amused of how she manage to fix it so neat.

She Falls In Love With A Reaper ( William Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant