The Scent of Pastries

Start from the beginning

*Sandro: Woah! What's going on? May you please, uhh, put down the gun?

---> Stephen won't answer, his hands are shaking while holding up the gun to Sandro's head.

"Okay... Tell me questions, I can answer it."

---> Stephen finally answered...

"Why did Evelyn die, Sandro? Tell me. You work for Dasha, tell me!"

---> He clicks the gun while Sandro's eyes showing the deer in headlights.

*Stephen: Tell me. Your illusional eyes can't trick me.

*Sandro: Well it was worth the try. Anyways, fine. I killed her, but someone else kidnapped her.

*Stephen: I know that. Just by the fume scent of her clothes.

*Sandro: Then the kidnapper is currently somewhere. He's still somewhere.

*Stephen: Do you know where he is.

*Sandro: Of course.

*Stephen: Then where?

*Sandro: Hmm, somewhere in the venue of the art festival.

*Stephen: I'm going there.

*Sandro: Thanks for sparing me.

---> Sandro says sarcastically. This made Stephen irritated and of course, he shot him in the head three times and he left the body outside the door. This attracted other nobles in the district, but when they saw Sandro dead, Stephen was already gone. Now, he is currently in the venue of the art festival. He saw his friend, Sebastian.

*Stephen: Sebastian. Come with me.

*Sebastian: Why?

*Stephen: Just come with me.


"Where'd you think he went?" Francis questiones the others in the circus.

*Phoebe: I don't know. You're his friend.

*Francis: Well, not necessarily.

*Albert: Knowing him, he probably went back to the citadel to seek vengeance.

*Catherine: To whom? That's the question.

*Albert: He said "pastries". Do you know something about it?

*Catherine: Well, he gave me a baguette.

*Albert: There are no bakeries here in Senimynd.

*Catherine: He said he got it from a friend.

*Albert: He didn't bring any pastries here. I know that because he was my flatmate in the room of the inn. I would've seen it.

*Catherine: Does he have any friends that their possibly baker?

*Albert: I think he mentiones it once at work. Sebastian, was it? Yeah, I think it is.

*Francis: He was carrying two pieces of baguettes when he came back to the palace. What if that Sebastian-guy is in the Klisi Citadel.

*Phoebe: What are you waiting for? Let's go to the Klisi Citadel.


---> They went to a private area, an alleyway to be exact.

*Stephen: Answer me, Sebastian.

*Sebastian: What?

---> Stephen whips out the gun from his pocket and points it to Sebastian.

"Where should I hit you? The brain? The chest? Too many options."

*Sebastian: What do you mean? I didn't do anything...

*Stephen: You killed Evelyn.

*Sebastian: How are you so sure?

*Stephen: The faint smell of pastries. You smelles like a croissant when we met back then. Your sibling is the selected artist. You don't have a sibling. You told me as well that all of your family members are back in Astromynd... They're in Synolomynd.

*Sebastian: Alright, you caught me. Remember when you bought a baguette from me back in Astromynd?

*Stephen: What about it?

*Sebastian: Did you bump into a man?

*Stephen: How'd you know?

*Sebastian: Because it was part of the plan. The letter in your pocket, everything.

*Stephen: But what does Evelyn have to do with this?!

*Sebastian: Because she knew that Louis' body is missing and dead. Since it's kind of important for you, she'll do anything in her power to get want you want, correct? So, if she gets Senimynd's best and feared detectice to help you, our plan will be out of use.

*Stephen: Well, thanks for revealing. Just one problem.

*Sebastian: Go on?

*Stephen: Give me that earpiece you have in your ear.

*Sebastian: Ah. Even though my hair was long, I never knew you'll see it. Ha~ you and your eyes. Always sees everything.

*Stephen: Give it to me.

*Sebastian: Fine.

---> Sebastian gives him the earpiece and Stephen asks if it was connected to Dasha and Kevin and he said it was.

*Stephen: There's one more thing I'd like to do.

---> He shot Sebastian's stomach, brain, and heart with the remaining 3 bullets in his revolver. He falls as he bleeds. Stephen walks up to him and practically stole everything he had on him. There was a camera, he took it and stepped on it, causing it to break into pieces. Eventually, Stephen fell on his knees not because he killed his friend, because he was tired from the walking. He reminisce about the times where Evelyn and him mostly spend their time at the mountain.


(To be continued)

"With bloodied hands and weakend knees, our people rose like the phoenix..."

- National Anthem of L'manberg:
Completed Symphony.

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