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"You kinda are" I say, grabbing his hand

"Whatever, let’s go get Momo, and Jirou" he says pulling me up

(Kaminari's POV)
Saturday June 28th

"K" Shin says dusting his hands off

"Hurry guys" Mina says inpatient

"Got it" I say pulling Shin with me to find them

"Slow down Denki" he says walking with me

"Sorry, I'm excited" I say slowing down slightly

"Your fine Denks just slow down" he says maneuvering through the crowd of people

"K" I say trying not to bump into anyone "Momo!" I say finally finding her

"Hi Kaminari" Momo says looking away from Jirou

"Hi, we where wondering if you would like to play spin the bottle with us" I say out of breath

"Um, sure" she says looking at Jirou

"I guess so" Jirou says

"Great!" I say excitedly

"In the living room?" Momo asks pointing towards the living room

"Yeah" I say as we all start walking

"Who all is playing?" Jirou asks

"Mina, Sero, Tsu, Uraraka, me, and Shin. Along with anyone else who wants to play" I say listing off everyone I could remember

"Bakugou and Kirishima may play when they get here" Momo says maneuvering through the crowd of people

"Maybe" Jirou says shrugging

"Mina!" Someone yells,

"What's happening here" Momo says as we arrive in the living room

"Hi Momo" Sero says with his hand over Mina's mouth

"Why is your hand over Mina's mouth" Momo says walking farther into the living room

"She said something inappropriate so I took away her talking privileges" Sero says shrugging

"Fair" I say pulling Shinsou to set down with me beside Mina

"Eww!" Serobro shouts pulling his hand away from her mouth "She fucking licked my hand!" he shouts, everyone bursting out in laughter

"So, what are we playing again" Jirou asks setting down beside Sero, pulling Momo to set beside her and Uraraka

"Spin the bottle" Mina says

"With what bottle?" Momo asks motioning to the empty floor

"This one" Mina says pulling an empty bottle out from behind her back

"Where did that come from!?" I ask confused as to where she had that

"Don't worry about it" she says setting it in the middle of the circle

"I'll go first, then whoever it lands on will spin next." Mina says looking around the circle to make sure everyone got it

"Go ahead" Sero says stuffing his phone in his pocket

Mina spins the bottle for it to land on Tsu. Mina crawls over to Tsu and gives her a quick peck, before crawling back to her spot beside Sero and I

"Your turn Tsu" Mina says adjusting back into her spot

"Ok" Tsu says leaning over to spin the bottle

She spins the bottle for it to land on Uraraka. She looks over to Uraraka with a slightly red tint on her face, and quickly kisses her, causing Uraraka to turn red amedently.

"Your turn Uraraka" Mina says happily

"Mhm" She hums spinning the bottle

Uraraka spins the bottle, it landing on me. She crawls over to me and kisses me, quickly going back to her spot

"My turn" I say spinning the bottle, only for it to land on Shinsou. My face turning red amedently.

"Denks, you good?" Shinsou asks looking over at me

"Um, yeah" I say looking at his eyes, my eyes flashing down to his lips

"We have to kiss" he says not breaking eye contact

"Yeah" I say swallowing nervously

His eyes shift down to my lips for a second, flashing back up to my eye's. He leans closer, me scanning his entire face. He tilts his head slightly before kissing me slowly. I pull away reluctantly, not wanting it to end.

"Wooo!" Mina cheers

"Really Mina" I say rolling my eyes 'moment ruined'

"Yup" She says smugly

"Your turn I guess" I say nudging Shin nervously

"Whatever" he says spinning the bottle

He spins the bottle for it to land on me, again. He looks back to me, my face turning red amedently. 'We have to kiss again, with tongue.'

"Denks, are you ok with that?" He asks, his eye's focused on my lips

I nod, my eye's focused on his lilac one's. He leans in closer, tilting his head to the side slightly before slamming his lips onto mine, his hands going to my sides.

Our lips danced around each other's, like they were meant to be together. His tongue brushes over my lip asking for entry, I open my mouth slightly, his tongue quickly moves around my mouth exploring every part. He broke the kiss, leaving us both panting

"Wow" Shinsou whispers leaning his forehead to mine.

"Wooo!" The group cheers. 'I forgot they were here'

"Hey Extra's!" Bakugou yells, walking into the room with Kiri

"Bakubro's here" Mina says excitedly

"Hey Kiri" I say still flustered

"Hey bro, what happened to you?" He asks pointing to my face

"They made out" Mina blurts out, jesturing between me and Shinsou

"Really!" Kiribro says, surprised

"It was a spin the bottle" I say not wanting Mina to spread false information

"Yeah, but you liked it" She says getting Shinsou's attention

"Shut up!" I say going a red that can rival Kiribro's hair

"Adorable" Shinsou says under his breath, though I heard it, and went a shade of red I didn't think was possible

"Kami, your face is redder than Kiribro's hair" Sero says getting everyone's attention

Shin looks at me and smirks. 'His smirk, augh, he's gonna kill me with that smirk'

"I'll be right back" I say getting up to go to the bathroom

"I think you killed him Shinsou" Sero says as I walk away

"Hope not" Shinsou says awkwardly

🌸~Time skip~🌸
(Shinsou's POV)

"Shinsou, you want a drink?" Sero asks standing up

"Sure" I say quickly

"K, anyone else want a drink?" Sero asks, aiming the question away from me

"I'll take one" Jirou says

"Me to" Mina says

"K, I'll be right back"

1029 words

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