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"Let's do this" I say and we all split up

I start walking towards Mr.Aizawa's office to ask where Shinsou's dorm is. I wonder what he looks like. I haven't seen him since the sports festival. I wonder what he looks like now. I guess I'll see when he comes to the party.


(Shinsou's POV)
Friday June 27th 7:30 am

"You start in my class Monday, how do you feel?" Dad(Aizawa) asks me, taking a sip of coffee from his 'don't speak to me till I've had my coffee' mug

"Great," I say sarcastically

"Don't be sarca, sar," Eri says, slipping up on her words and getting frustrated doing so

"Sarcastic," I say, correcting her

"Yeah that, don't be that," she says pointing her finger out at me

"Ok kiddo, I won't," I say, feeding into her imagination
"Papa" Eri says to papa-mic

"Yeah, princess," he says, looking down at Eri

"Up" she says trying to climb onto the stool

"Oh, I'll help," papa says lifting Eri up onto the stool

"What are you smiling about Shinsou?" he says smirking at me

"Nothing." 'I say, still smiling. I love this family.'

"Sure," He says, smiling back

"Shota, we should probably get going. We have to get this one to school," Papa says, motioning to Eri.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, let's get moving," Dad says putting the rest of his coffee in a thermos for work and we all stand up

"Yay, school," she says, getting off the stool and grabbing her book bag at the door. 'I wish I could be that excited about school.'

"She's adorable," I say under my breath, knowing Aizawa heard me

"Let's go gang," Papa says putting Eri into her car set

"Hey Hitoshi," I hear dad say, causing me to stop in my tracks

"Yeah dad?" I say, turning around fully

"You won't be in class today," He says grabbing the keys from the counter

"Why? " I ask confused

"You'll be getting settled into your new dorm room," He says, walking back over to me

"What number is it?" I ask walking thru the door with him

"215," he says, giving me the dorm key as we walk to the car

"Ok, I guess I'll go there instead of class. Maybe I can get some more sleep," I say hopeful

"Yeah, maybe," He says, getting into the front set beside Papa
"Hey babe, Hitoshi" Papa says as we get into the car

"Hi papa" I say Papa then kissing dad quickly before we start moving.

"Ew" Eri says making us all laugh

The rest of the drive was calm every once in a while. Papa would make a comment about school or work. But that's how it always is and it will always be, right?

"We're here," Dad says, making me realize how long I was zoned out for

"Come on Hitoshi" Dad says, opening my door for me

"Thanks," I say, getting out of the car

"No problem," Dad says as we start to walk to class

"Where's the dorm building? " I ask Papa as we walk up to the doors of the school

"It's this way. Follow me," Papa says, then kissing Dad before walking back over to me.

"Bye Hizashi, bye Hitoshi" Dad says, walking towards the door

"Bye dad" I say

"Bye shota" Papa says leading me to the dorm room "So how are you feeling about your new class change" he says making conversation as we walk

"It's ok I guess," I say, not breaking eye contact with the ground

"Ok? You're moving up to the most elite hero class in all of Japan!" He says, getting progressively louder as we continue

"Yeah, like i said it's ok" I say looking up for the first time during this walk and only because we had stopped

"Well, we're here," he says, using his key to open the door

"Thanks Papa," I say, walking to the door and opening it the rest of the way

"I love you Hitoshi" he says, smiling at me

"Love you too Papa," I say, smiling back

So this is the 1-A dorm room. Well, let's get to work. I walk to the elevator and press floor 2. The elevator ride was quiet and calming, easing all my nerves. I've never liked silence. That's most likely why I can never sleep when I don't have anyone to talk to or anything to listen to, I just think about things usually in my past, things I can't change or control, especially when it's about soulmates. I've always wondered who my soulmate will be if I even have one.
Leaving the elevator, I go right to my dorm. I unpack all my things before going down to the common area, to watch TV. I watched for a couple hours before getting tired and going back up to my dorm.

🌸~Time skip~🌸


I wake up to someone knocking on my door 'so much for sleeping all day.'

"Hey Shinsou, are you there?" I hear a peppy voice from the other side of the door say.

"Coming, give me a damn minute!" I say, getting off of the bed

"Ok!" They say still way to damn peppy

"What? " I say, opening the door, only to be stunned by a beautiful blonde. He has a black lightning strike like strand in his hair. He is wearing fishnet black ripped jeans, a black nirvana t-shirt, and a yellow cropped jacket with Pikachu ears on the hood.

"Hi, your shinsou right?" He says happily

"Yeah, who are you?" I say with a tired smile

"Im Denki, Denki Kaminari." He says matter of faculty

"Nice to meet you, now why are you here?" I say wanting to go back to sleep

"I wanted to welcome you to our class, and invite you to a sleepover we're having tonight." He says quickly

"No," I say trying to close the door on him

"Why not?" He says catching the door before I could close it

"I don't do friends" I say more annoyed

"That's going to be hard in this class." he says making me doubt as well

"Well I made it through 1-B." I say not wanting this to last much longer "I think I can make it through 1-A to," I say trying to convince myself as well.

"Doubt that!" He says under his breath still letting me here it

"Oh, really," I say smirking

"I'm going to make you my friend!" He says excitedly.

"Sure, blondy" I say, still tired.

1,112 words

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