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"Hi mind wipe!" the blonde says. 'How does he know my quirk?'

"Be nice Bakubro." The red head says flicking the blonde on the head. "Sorry dude!" He says looking back at me.


(Shinsou's POV)
Friday June 27th 7:46pm

"Yeah sorry about him hermano" the black haired one says also speaking Spanish

"It's fine" I say keeping a straight face

"Woah I've never seen anyone just ignore him like that" Kaminari says as we walk to the living room to set down

"Except for Todoroki" The black haired one says

"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves." Pinky says excitedly setting beside The black haired guy

"What made you think of that" The black haired one asks

"The Todoroki comment" Pinky says

"Whatever, I'm Sero and thats mina." The one, now known as Sero says "But im sorry bro she's of limits," he says hugging her to prove his point

"Im not interested anyway but ok?" I say though it sounded more like a question as Kaminari sets next to me

"Damn! " The red head says covering his mouth with his fist "anyways, I'm Kirishima and this is Bakugou" The newly known Kirishima says setting down with Bakugou

"I'm Jirou" Jirou says "it's nice to meet another purple haired kid" She states going back to her phone 'I didn't even realize she was there'

"And you already know me, but you can call me Denki if you want" Kamin, Denki says

"Ok?" I say though sounding more like a question

"Perfect now that we're all acquainted," Sero says geting up and walking into the kitchen "who wants a drink?" He says walking back out with two things of tequila

"Meee!" Mina says getting up to help

Mina walks into the kitchen, and comes back out with a stack of red solo cups

"Shinsou do you want some" Denki says poring himself a drink

"Yeah, sure" I say unfazed

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Mina says holding her cup in the air

"Me!" Denki says handing me the drink he poured for me

"Sure" Jiro says looking up from her phone. "But I did text Momo, and told her to bring whoever wants to come over" she says making me nervous.

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck'

"You ok Shinsou" Kaminari asks me knowing I didn't want to come if there was a lot of people

"Yeah I'm fine" I say lieing

"Ok," he says quietly, looking back to the others

"Should we start playing now?" Mina asks

"Yeah, let's play" Sero says taking another sip of his drink

"I'll start" Mina says excitedly "Denki, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he says happily

"I dare you to chug the rest of your drink," She says with no hesitation

"Ok," he says chugging the little bit of drink he has left

"Nice Bro" Sero says taking a sip of his drink

"Ok, Shinsou truth or dare?" He asks

"Truth" I say without hesitation

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