Start from the beginning

"I'll send the agreement in writing to you tonight if you'll send it to Katherine after you've signed it," Atticus offered. Pearl nodded, sitting back in the chair and looking up at the ceiling, the tiles high in the air to give the library more room for taller bookcases.

"I heard from Wizard Gem that you were on your deathbed only a week ago," Pearl said, moving her gaze back to Atticus. "Are you alright now? I was worried about asking for a meeting in case it was too much for you at the moment," she admitted.

Atticus bristled at the concern in her tone, hating that news of his health was being spread through the other empires. He knew that she was genuinely concerned for him, given that he really had been near death only a week ago, but it was humiliating for everyone to know that he had been in such a vulnerable state.

He bit his tongue, deciding not to have a tantrum about it. "I'm fine. It was due to touching the corruption that's affecting our empires." Pearl nodded in understanding; Atticus didn't know if she was being affected, but she had probably seen the corruption on the way into Vulpesterra or noticed it in other empires. "The Codfather helped with my recovery; you should speak to him about having access to the brown mushrooms on his lands, they have healing properties. He's not requiring a trade deal for them," he explained.

Pearl smiled slightly. "I'll write to him, then. Thanks." She tilted her head and leaned forward, smiling. "You and the Codfather are friends, then?"

Atticus stared at her for a moment, wondering where the sudden interest was coming form. "I wouldn't say we're friends," he muttered, sitting back. "Aquaitences is more accurate. People who trade resources."

"You give him a shulker of wood in exchange for flowers," Pearl noted. "Not exactly a good trade."

"It doesn't affect your empire," Atticus said, tone sharp, surprising even himself. Pearl blinked at him before she nodded, sitting back. Atticus grimaced. "Sorry."

"No, you're right," she agreed. "It's not my business." She smiled, but Atticus still felt like he had offended her in some way. "It's good to know that you don't care what other people think. That will make you a better ruler when it comes to making decisions to benefit your empire."

Atticus nodded, looking away. "Still. I should have watched my tone."

Pearl giggled, standing up. "Relax, Foxling, our agreement still stands. I'll receive the paperwork tonight?"

Atticus joined her in standing, though it didn't help their height difference considering she was at least eight inches taller than him. "Yes, I'll have it sent out as soon as I've drafted and signed it." Pearl nodded and gathered her things. "You have a ride back to Gilded Helianthia?"

"Yes! I'll be stopping by the Cod Empire to discuss those mushrooms you mentioned, it's better to be safe than sorry," she said. Atticus smiled, glad that Pearl seemed to have a positive relationship with the Codfatherat least enough that she felt comfortable going to his empire to request something from him. He was still worrying that he had offended the Codfather.

"Have a nice day, Farmer Pearl," he said as they left the library together.

She smiled. "You, too, Foxling. I'll see you at the next truce meeting!"

Atticus returned to the castle on foot, having walked to the library to enjoy what his kingdom had to offer. It had felt pointless to have Thomas get the horses ready for what would have only been a few minutes of travel, too, and Atticus was sure he needed to get outside anyway to regain some color. There were still too many worried glances sent his way by the staff for him to decide that he was completely healed from the sickness.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now