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It had been over a week, and Shantel hadn't responded to Elan. She had treated him like he didn't exist. He had met Aisha and Adaeze to speak with Shantel, they had promised to try, although they expressed their displeasure at what he had done to their friend.
After the teacher had left Shantel's class, Elan had entered with his friends and knelt in front of the class to apologise to Shantel. His friends had kept watch of the door, should incase a teacher comes in. The whole class had 'awed' and 'ooed'. They asked Shantel to forgive Elan, Shantel had smiled. Elan had agreed he messed up but declared that he truly loved only Shantel. They had just hugged, when one of his friends signalled a teacher was coming. He quickly pecked Shantel on her cheeks and left with his friends.
Back together, Elan had given Shantel his undivided attention and showed her so much love. They met after school, they would talk for hours before leaving each other.
Halfway into the second term, prefects were to be selected since the SS3 students were preparing for their Senior Exams. The Seniors had submitted their candidates, each class had submitted their candidates as well, which was to be evaluated and decided upon by the School Board. Shantel had been made the SP-F and Aisha her Assistant. Adaeze had been made the Social Prefect Female (SOP-F), her boyfriend Akan had also been made SOP-M. Although, Shantel noticed they were distant from themselves but kept mute since Adaeze didn't want to talk about it. Elan had been made the Games Prefect (GP). People had expected the 'ElShan' relationship to end, since the chain of command was obvious. But it seemed to get stronger, or so it seemed.

On this Monday morning, after the Prefects meeting, Yemi had approached Shantel. She had wanted to see her alone as she had some informations she wanted to divulge to her. Shantel had agreed and followed her to a quiet part of the building. Yemi began,
"Shantel I know I'm not in your favourite book right now, but I feel I owe you the truth. You are kind-hearted and don't deserve what's happening "
Confused, Shantel had asked what was happening.
"Your friend Adaeze isn't actually a friend..."Shantel had cut her.
"What is that suppose to mean Yeh-mi, did you call me out here to speak ill of my friend?" Shantel asked.
"How well do you know Adaeze? Listen maybe you should ask Adaeze why she and Akan are not together. Akan is respecting the boy code obviously" Yemi said, finally confusing Shantel. Yemi had noticed and had bluntly told her, "In my opinion, you only have one true friend. Adaeze is a snitch, ask Adaeze what's going on between her and Elan!" With that, she turned and left, leaving Shantel speechless at this discovery.

Aisha had noticed Shantel's quietness throughout the day. She had approached her about it, but she had said she was good. But Aisha didn't believe her, but respected the fact she needed time alone.
It had been an hour and Adaeze hadn't returned to the hostel. Shantel decided to snoop around. Since they both shared the same room space, Shantel checked her corner for some kind of proof. Shantel and Aisha had both agreed to have Adaeze share their SP Room with them. Aisha had caught her snooping around and asked what was going on. Shantel had kept mute and kept searching, just when she was about giving up, she discovered a phone. Adaeze had a phone? She never knew. She turned to ask Aisha, but found surprise written all over her face. She switched it on and opened the text message icon, then her fears were confirmed. They were messages from Elan, Adaeze had saved it as 'Akan2', but Shantel knew the phone number. Love messages had started from the day Elan had apologized to her. Adaeze her friend had been double dating, Akan had found out and she denied it, Akan could not bear it and had called it quits. The last message showed Adaeze was to meet Elan after school at the exam hall. Tears rolled down Shantel's eyes, Aisha took the phone from her but didn't understand why Shantel was in tears, they were text messages shared between a boyfriend and his girlfried after all.
"Shantel what is it? These are messages from Adaeze's boyfriend Akan" Aisha said.
"No, the phone number is Elan's" Shantel said as she broke down in tears.
Reality dawned on Aisha, she read the messages again.
"Oh my God, Adaeze is dating Elan. That bastard!" Aisha cursed.
Just then, Adaeze came in smiling but was shocked at the mood she met her friends in.
"What's happening here?" She asked.
"You're what is happening, you snitch! How could you? Aisha faced her.
"Excuse me Aisha, wetin dey bring that one?" Adaeze said in pidgin, then Aisha had thrown the phone to her. Adaeze was visibly surprised.
"How did you get my phone?" She asked.
"So you have a phone Adaeze" Shantel spoke now. "I thought you and Akan had issues, yet you both have been sending yourselves love texts and yet appear distant in school" she said sarcastically.
Adaeze couldn't say anything.
"Is there something you have to say?" Shantel asked her.
"O Shantel stop being diplomatic to this devil!" Aisha said in anger. "So you are dating Elan? And you have acted innocent all this while, how wicked can you be Ada? Shantel is your friend!" she raised her voice now.
"Shantel I'm sorry please, forgive me..."Adaeze said.
"It's fine" Shantel said and walked out of the room. Aisha followed her.

Adaeze had moved her things to another room, she couldn't face her friends. Somehow everyone had come to know about it. Elan was also dating two SS3 girls in the same class and they didn't know. With exams around the corner, Shantel was devastated. The term had ended, and Shantel couldn't wait to go home. She had been moody at home, her aunt Obiageli had noticed and asked, but Shantel had kept to herself. Her mom had called to find out since she wasn't speaking to anyone, but Shantel had kept mute. With the second term break quite short, third term commenced immediately. Shantel's result wasn't good. This devastated her more. She had kept more to herself this term. All she wanted to do was to round up school quickly and get the hell outta here!

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