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Nigeria was popularly referred to as the 'Giant of Africa'. Shantel couldn't understand why until, she touched down Lagos. Lagos she heard had once been the nation's capital, with a dense population of more than a million people co-existing in the state. She had also heard it was one city in Africa whose economy was growing rapidly.
Shantel was to meet her Aunt Obiageli here at the airport. Just when she was getting exhausted waiting, she heard her name.
"Shantel" her aunt had arrived.
"Aunty, it's so good to see you" she ran to hug her.
"Look at you, you've grown so big. Sorry I kept you waiting. Our flight will be leaving in about 4hours for Abuja. Why don't we take a tour of Lagos a bit?" Obiageli said.
Obiageli had come to Lagos for a business trip, she was to return today. She had asked her brother Chukwudi, to send Shantel in today, so they could leave together for Abuja.
"I'd love that very much" Shantel said excited.
"I know you might be famished, why don't we stop by at the restaurant" Obiageli said.
"Now that, I fully oblige to" Shantel smiled.

KFC had done really well with the food they had ordered and eaten. Shantel felt she could barely move. Her Aunt paid for the meal, as they left Shantel observed her environment. Her aunt then ordered an Uber, together they took a tour of Ikeja, a part of Lagos Mainland. Obiageli had said they couldn't go too far, so that they could make it in time for their flight. This was to avoid the popular 'Lagos traffic'. She had pointed out some places to Shantel, who had 'ooed' and 'aahd' at some of the things she saw. When Obiageli had checked her watch, they had spent 2hours on tour and had 2 more hours to go. She had then told Shantel that they had to leave. With disappointment written all over her face, she joined her aunt. Unfortunately, they had to experience over 40minutes traffic at Ikeja, which started from under the bridge. Thank God her aunt was conscious of the time. What da!

They had made it to the airport on time and boarded the flight for Abuja. When they got to Abuja, the nation's capital, Obiageli's husband was there to pick them up. He had teased Shantel about being a 'grown woman'. On their way home, while her aunt and husband were talking in Igbo, Shantel observed the street lights and the vast road of this state. Wow. Abuja was way cooler than Lagos, in her opinion. The few hours she had toured Lagos, it was a very busy place. She also observed it was crowded with so many people everywhere, loud horns, too many cars, clustered houses. Damn, What a place!

Her aunt had called the place they lived at 'Utako'. They had laughed at Shantel pronounce it as 'O-tacco'. She had eaten with the family again after having her bath. It was nice seeing her little cousins, Kamsichukwu who was 8years old and his sister, Somadina who was 6years old. They had told her about school and their friends, until their mom had called them in to bed. Her aunt had then reminded her about her entrance exams at Stefford Group of Schools in a few days. She had googled on the school the moment her dad had mentioned it. She had fallen in love with the school almost immediately.

"So proud of you Shan, keep it up. So you are finally a High school girl huh?" her dad teased on the video call with Shantel.
"Thanks Dad and yes I am" Shantel responded.
"So I hear you're done with the registration and the list of things to take along to the boarding house has been given? her dad continued.
"Yes Dad, Aunt and I will be going shopping tomorrow. I'm super excited!"
"Well just be a good girl okay" her mom said.
"Sure will mom, gotta go" she said.
"Alright then, love you" her parents said.
"Love you too" she responded and ended the call.

They had gone to Wuse market to buy all the things she needed for school. She was excited at the stuffs they had gotten and could not wait to use them. This was totally different from High school in the States, she couldn't wait to experience it.
By the next Sunday, her aunt and family had carried her luggage to the car. She had spoken to her parents and grandparents who bade her farewell and wished her well. Her uncles had also spoken to her. She had called her friends also and they cheered her on. She had then switched off her phone and handed it over to her aunt, she wasn't taken that to the boarding house. That was her first woe! She loved her phone and had thought she'd be with it, like she had been with a phone at elementary school.
Now getting close to the school gate of Stefford Group of Schools, Shantel had a sickening feeling. She wasn't gonna see anything outside of this gates for a few months. She had being super excited, waiting for this day to come. Now all she wanted to do was go back, she missed home!

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