Milim's (Mis)Adventure

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"Wow! This place is amazing!" Milim shouted in joy as she looked at the scene around her. Bustling city high-class architecture. People wearing medieval dresses going about their work on horseback and on foot. Shops of various kinds, ornaments and jewels, especially the ones selling food of large variety. Everything blended perfectly well with the scene. For her, this place was full of entertainment. The Baharuth Empire was surely a beautiful place, much more developed than the rest of the world. 

"I-I want that!" As soon as her eyes laid on the most delicious-looking dish in the vicinity, she rushed towards it not holding back. "G-give me however much of those you can buy with these many coins!" She demanded the shopkeeper whilst putting a few coins in front of him. Of course, she didn't bother to calculate herself. Such things were far too trivial for her to bother with. The man looked down at her with queer eyes. 

"You won't get a single one, little miss." 

"What!? Are those bizarre-shaped things really that delicious? T-then here's more." She immediately pulled out the pouch of gold she had, and scattered a few before him. "This should be enough for me to buy at least one of them. Now, hurry up and serve me!" She demanded again with impatient eyes and watery mouth. The shopkeeper just glared at her harder. 

"No, miss. I am afraid I can still give you none. Although I am quite curious as to why a little one like you is carrying around such a large sum of money on her own, the problem doesn't lie in the amount you are offering me."

Milim looked back at him in confusion. Then a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. Whilst crossing into the empire, she had avoided using the usual path that the merchants and ordinary people take. Instead, she deemed it more appropriate (and cooler) to enter simply by jumping across the border in silence, just like a true spy. That was, after all, what her mission was. Perhaps that was the reason why this mishap took place. 

"Where do you come from, little miss? Those coins do not belong to the empire. You need to get them exchanged properly to buy things here."


"Didn't they tell you that at the gate when you entered?" 

"O-of course. M-my parents must have forgotten to get my pouch exchanged. That's it! I will go and get another one from them."

With that, Milim ran off into the distance, not looking behind. The shopkeeper wanted to ask her many more questions, like how can her parents be so careless as to leave a child all along, that too with the wrong currency. Do they not fear for her safety at all? But for some reason, he refrained from asking any more.

'What a weird kid. I hope I don't see her again.' 

10 minutes later-

"Thanks for your patronage! Please come here again!" waved the shopkeeper with a huge smile on his face. 

"Yuph. Yoo can loo fohwahd to it," said Milim with her face stuffed to the brim. On her back, she carried a bag larger than herself. 

The shopkeeper looked at her pleasantly. 'What a nice kid!' he thought. 'Thanks to her, I can go home early for once. I wish she comes here daily.' He watched as Milim disappear into the distance. Then, he closed his shop and walked away in a jolly manner, singing happy songs. Of course, the girl had bought away his entire shop. 


"So this is where the treasure is hidden?" A little voice whispered.

"Yes. It seems to be the case." The tall guy next to him nodded his head. He looked at the large door in front of him with disappointment. "Problem is, we don't have a way to break in there." 

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