A Perilous Encounter

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A gentle breeze blows
Enchanting all as it flows
The Serene meadow
                                           ~a random Haiku by me.

The little girl slowly strode forward as the tip of her sword carved a groove in the ground. Her face was slightly tilted downwards, burning red as crimson. Her eyes were engulfed in darkness,  and her armour shone the shade of terror.

As she stood a stone's throw away from us, her steps came to a halt. "Why would you do such a thing?" She asked, her voice laced with a hint of anger and sorrow. With a slight motion of her hand, she lifted up her sword and pointed it towards us. "How dare you!" She added, glaring at us furiously. 

Is this girl in collusion with that weird creature I just eliminated? Is she also a player? This is not good. We lack any information on her, and engaging in combat under these circumstances is far from ideal. I hope we can negotiate-

"How dare a mere worm address Ainz-sama in such a manner!" shouted Nabe angrily. "I shall show you your rightful place," she declared as she began charging her spell.

Annnnd there goes our chance at negotiating.

"No sto-"

Before I could utter another word, the girl, now fuming even greater anger than before, stood directly behind Nabe, her back turned towards her. Her sword pressed firmly against Nabe's neck, ready to slice it off at any moment. 

That was fast.

"You know, little miss, it's bad manners to interrupt when others are talking," said the pink-haired girl sternly. "Otherwise, you get punished badly." 


Nabe teleported away in an instant and positioned herself high up in the air. "Die you worm! Chain Dragon Light-"


"I apologize for my subordinate's behaviour," I stated in a formal tone, swiftly intercepting the sword just two inches away from Nabe's head. Nabe spun around in astonishment, unable to comprehend the situation. After all, the little girl she had labelled as a 'worm' had somehow sprouted wings, literally, and was now hovering in front of her, holding the blade of death a mere couple of inches away. "I would greatly appreciate it if you forgave her this once. We have no intention of fighting against another player," I added.

Judging by her incredible speed, raw power, and the aura she exudes, along with the exceptional quality of her equipment, this girl is definitely a problem. In the worst case, she might turn out to be a combat-oriented warrior especially designed for PvP battles. That will be a bad match for me, especially since I have next to no knowledge about her skills and abilities. Hell, I am even not sure if her abilities are only limited to those within Yggdrasil, since that creature earlier clearly used spells completely unknown to me. 

In other words, fighting her here is a big no and I have to avoid it at all costs.

"Hoh. You don't seem half bad," commended the pink-haired girl with a wicked smile. "Fine. I am willing to let go of the girl but, you are a different story." 

"Huh? But why-"

"That's enough talking," she declared firmly. "Now you will pay for your actions!" She immediately raised her sword and swung it for another strike.

"Greater Teleportation"

Just in the nick of time, I managed to teleport both Nabe and myself out of harm's way, narrowly escaping her range. It was very fortunate that I was able to act swiftly, as the forest in front of her swing now lay split apart for as long as the eye could see. With a single powerful strike from her sword, she shattered the very ground beneath us.

That weapon holds extraordinary power, another unknown I don't recognize from Yggdrasil. That's enough. We are getting out of here.

"Thinking of escaping, are you?" A cursed voice pierced my ears just as I was preparing for a long-range teleportation spell. The little girl took out four small ring-like objects and scattered them in four directions surrounding us. 

 "Ainz sama!" 

"I know. Looks like we have no choice but to fight."

Sure enough, Greater Teleportation wasn't casting anymore. The rings she scattered around acted as some kind of barrier, preventing our escape. 

Just what in the hell is happening here? Why is this player absolutely determined to fight me? Did that strange creature lure us here on purpose? Too many questions, but no answers. 

My thoughts came to a halt as I saw the girl raise her sword once again, condensing purple energy for another devastating strike. 

"If that's how you want to play it then," determined to face her seriously, I instructed Nabe to stay as far away from us as possible. The player only seems to be after me and won't go out of her way to hurt Nabe. She will only serve as a hindrance to me anyway.

With Nabe out of the way, it's time to execute my plan of action. 

"Create Greater Fortress!

A gigantic fortress appeared in front of me, blocking the direct path between the girl and me.

"You think your puny fortress can block my attack? Dragon's Fury!"

Tremendous purple energy concentrated in the blade and surged towards the fortress, taking the form of a dragon. The surroundings quivered under the impact of an intense shockwave as the dragon collided with the mighty fortress. In an instant, a loud shattering noise reverberated through the air as the dragon pierced through the fortress like a wall of bricks and crashed into the ground with a boom.

As the fortress vanished into thin air, it gave way to a giant skeleton wall and a massive army of undead creatures. The undead scattered all over the place, like swarming ants, and began causing havoc. 

"Get out of my way!" shouted Milim as she obliterated a large group of undead charging towards her. She looked around frantically, trying to locate Ainz, but he had vanished without a trace. 

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...

Seconds passed by and turned into minutes, yet there was no clue. 

He couldn't have left the area since my barrier is still intact, She thought, desperately trying to search for the enemy. Where did he go? 

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