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Inside the great tomb of Nazarick, the floor guardians have assembled as Demiurge elucidates a crucial subject.

"So, do you all understand what Ainz-sama's true objective is?" he asked. 

"Yes. It's world domination" 

"Correct," said Demiuge, brimming with pride. "Ainz sama himself disclosed it to me while we stood up there, above the clouds, observing the world." 

"And it is our duty as his loyal subjects to ensure its success," added Albedo as she took a step forward.

"All hail Ainz sama!" With that, resounding shouts of admiration filled the area.

"Demiurge-san if I may," interjected Sebas in a tense voice.

"Yes, what is it Sebas?" asked Demiurge in a serious tone. "Did you find anything in your survey of the surrounding area?" He sensed the tension in his voice and was curious. 

"Well actually," Sebas explained. "When I surveyed the close proximity of the dummy Nazarick we constructed, I sensed something unusual. There were traces of unknown magic lingering in the vicinity."

"Unknown magic, you say?" 

"Yes," continued Sebas. His voice grew even more tense. "I have never encountered that type of magic before. It was.... rather peculiar. I couldn't even discern what tier magic it is, but I presume it to be at least an eighth-tier spell." Sebas attempted to recall any additional detail he could provide, but couldn't find anything relevant. 

"It's just as Ainz sama said," remarked Mare. "We still don't know much about this world, so we should proceed with utmost caution"

Demiurge fell silent and pondered. He must determine their best course of action. 

"I will personally investigate that area for now," he declared. "Ainz sama is currently on a mission and it would be detrimental if a mishap were to occur in his absence. The rest of you shall proceed as planned," he ordered. The floor guardians were only half-convinced. 

"Are you sure you shouldn't report it to Ainz sama first Demiurge?" asked Cocytus.

"It's fine, Cocytus," he reassured, his tone calm yet resolute. "This matter isn't big enough to warrant the supreme being's immediate attention. It is highly unlikely that the caster of that magic would still be present, or else Sebas would have undoubtedly detected them." Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he continued, "We are all disposables anyway and I am simply going there as a precaution."

Ainz POV-

It looks like my intuition was correct. I thought as I floated silently in the air and observed the little girl's haphazard strikes. 

This player has a build solely focused on physical attacks, neglecting magic entirely. She has no means to see through the spell Perfect Unknowable. It requires either high-level detection magic or very high-level thief-type job classes to detect one under the effects of this spell. 

Boom Boom Boom

I stood frozen for a moment, witnessing the sheer devastative power she possessed, wreaking havoc with casual swings of her weapon. Luckily, she wasn't interested in going after Nabe. I could execute my plan without worry. 

But what in the hell did I do to get her so mad at me? I wondered. But it was futile. I couldn't come to any conclusion based on the information I had. Then I realized I had no time to spare. I need to finish my job while I am still hidden.

That said, if I were to attack her, she would probably notice me and retaliate. I might only manage one surprise strike by leveraging my spell before things return back to the status quo, but that doesn't matter. My aim is not to win the fight; It is to escape. 

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