We nodded

"I'm going out with Evan" Justin replied

We all teased him by making kissy sounds

"Jess and I will be trying to win some t-swizzle tickets" Brandon added

Jess nodded

"We should go outfit shopping for the show" Liz suggested

"I'm down" I replied

"Good because we were going either way" she said


"Is anyone home?" I called out as Elizabeth and I walked into my house

We didn't hear anything back which told me that both parents were at work

"I'm gonna run home real quick and change before we leave" Elizabeth said

It made sense considering we were in the same clothes as yesterday

"Okay, meet back here in like twenty?" I asked

She nodded before she walk out of my front door and towards the direction of her house

I figured she would be a little late which meant I had enough time to take a quick shower... and when I say quick, I mean like eight minutes quick, which is probably the quickest shower I've ever taken. After I dried myself as well as my hair, I got dressed and put a little bit of light makeup on

"Y/n!" Elizabeth called entering my house

"Liz!" I called back

"Sorry it took so long" she said meeting me in my room

"You're okay. Are you ready?" I asked

"Yea, you?" She asked back

"One second" I replied apply mascara

"There we go" I said as I finished

"Did you take a whole shower?" She asked

"Yea?" I questioned

"What the hell? How did you get ready so fast?" She asked

"I took an eight minute show, blow dried my hair, and only did light makeup" I explained

"Iconic" she said

I laughed

"Let's go" she said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Target?" She questioned

"Okay" I replied

Target was just down the street so it didn't take us long to get there and find a parking spot since it was a weekday and most people would be at work

"Just think, this time next week, we'll be watching Taylor" Elizabeth said as she got out of the car

"I'm super excited" I smiled walking into target

"Me too. I'm glad you're deciding to take me" she replied

I looked at her with confusion before I spoke

"Why wouldn't I take you?" I asked

"Well you won the tickets. You could've totally decided to take someone else" she explained

"I wouldn't have won them if you didn't tell me about the radio station contest, plus there's no one else I want to go with" I wrapped my arm over her shoulders

She smiled

"Now what kind of theme are we going for?" I asked referring to our outfits

"I'm going for a eras tour type thing. Like I kind of wanna recreate one of her outfits. But i'm open to anything she said walking towards the arts and crafts section.

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