"For what?" I asked

"My mom told me to take the dog to the dog park at two. Apparently he's getting a little chunky and needs to run it off" she explained

That caused me to laugh

"Alright then" I said as I calmed down

"Keep listening. Let me know if anything happens" she said grabbing her house keys and walking out of my room

"Will do" I told her

She saluted me and I did it back. It wasn't until I heard the front door close that a second Taylor Swift song began to play after the first one. I rushed to dial the number. I was met with dead lines here and there, but I continued to call until I got through.

"This is Ryan with ninety eight point nine. I'm on the line with caller number eight" the radio guy picked up my call

So close

"What's your name?" Ryan asked

"Y/n!" I replied enthusiastically

"Well y/n you were so close! Why do you want to see Taylor Swift?" He asked

"My best friend and I are huge fans and we would love to see her!" I told him

"Who's you're best friend, we'll give her quick shout out?" He asked

"Elizabeth" I replied

"Shout out to Elizabeth! I have faith in your girls. You will be caller number nine next!" He said

"Thank you!" I replied

With that, we both hung up and after the next song, my voice played on the radio, which was when my phone started ringing

"Hey Liz, how's the dog park?" I asked

"You were so close!" She exclaimed

"I know! We're so close, we got this!" I told her

"Damn right we do" she said

"Keep trying" I told her

"You too. And thanks for the shoutout" she said

"Anything for you" I told her

"Shut up" she replied before hanging up

That caused me to laugh and shake my head at the girl

I kept calling every time two Taylor songs played. I only got super close that one time, otherwise I was pretty far off from being caller number nine

"Y/n, I'm home!" My mom called from down stairs as the front door closed

I turned the radio up and went downstairs to greet her. I saw she was carrying grocery bags

"Here I'll take those" I said

"Thank you" she said letting me take the bags from her

"You're home kind of late" I said

"Am I?" She asked

I nodded as she checked the watch on her wrist that read seven pm

"I guess I am. I'm sorry" she replied

"It's alright" I smiled

"No dad yet?" She asked

"Last I heard, he's on his way" I told her

She nodded

"Well he said he's cooking dinner tonight" my mom said

"That's nice of him. What is he cooking?" I asked

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