"Leo, listen," Sofia said as she stopped, facing him so she could see the glint of the city lights in his eyes. "Don't force yourself. Find what you're comfortable with. I'm just happy that I get to be here with you. That you want to walk me home at night and watch Space Heroes with me."

"Can I kiss you?!" Leo blurted, his cheeks heating up instantly.

Sofia froze, thrown off guard by the sudden request. "I mean, if you want to."

"More than you know," Leo breathed as he let his eyes travel towards her lips.

He couldn't count the amount of times he had pictured kissing her lips. They looked so soft and he could only imagine how sweet she tasted.

"Okay," Sofia mumbled as she gave him a warm smile.

He could feel his heart racing with excitement as he leaned towards her. He pressed his lips to hers for only a moment before he pulled back.

It may have only been a peck, but it nearly made Leo squeal with excitement.

"Was that okay?" Leo asked immediately.

Sofia giggled a bit as she brought a hand up to his cheek. "I thought you said you wanted to kiss me?"

"What? But I-"

He felt her lips meet his and his eyes fell shut as he melted into the feeling. This time he could feel the warmth of her lips against his own. He could've sworn they were in that moment for an hour, though it was probably less than a minute.

When Sofia pulled away, he stared at her with a lovestruck look in his eyes.

"Better?" She spoke with a wide smile.

All he could muster was an enthusiastic nod.

Sofia couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face. "Oh, you are too precious."

While they made their way to Sofia's bedroom window on the fire escape, Leo just had a dopey smile the entire time, not saying a word.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow night?" Sofia broke the silence as she turned back to Leo once more after opening her window.

"Mhm!" He nodded as he smiled, nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Alright. Goodnight, Blue," Sofia said before climbing into her room.

"Wait, um, could I kiss you again? You know, like a goodnight kiss?" Leo asked quickly, stumbling his words a bit as he grabbed her hand.

Sofia felt her heart flutter when she saw how excited he was. "You may."

Leo quickly took his opportunity with this sudden burst of confidence. He leaned towards her and let their lips meet.

After a brief moment, the two parted. Both parties had the biggest grins on their face.

"Goodnight, Sofie," Leo said gently as he reached up to grab her window so he could close it for her.

"Sogni d'oro, Blue," Sofia replied before she pressed her fingertips to her lips, blowing him a kiss.

Leo chuckled as he shut her window before turning to leap off the fire escape, making his way back home with butterflies flying all around his stomach.


Sofia pushed her way through the turnstiles with April as they entered the lair.

"No, you need to roll the r more. Like this, Rosa," Sofia spoke as pronounced her middle name.

"Okay, I think I got it," April replied. "Sofia Rosa Dellucci."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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