Chapter 6

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"Knees higher, Leonardo! Extend, Michelangelo! Raphael, you call that a Koho Tenkai? Because I do not!" Slinter shouted at the turtles as he watched them fumble around the dojo. "Yame!"

The four turtles lined up on their knees in front of Splinter who looked at them all skeptically.

"Hmm. Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked curiously as he stroked his beard.

"Something we wanna tell you? Nope," Mikey said jokingly.

"You all seem tired," Splinter pointed out.

"We're not," Leo denied quickly.

"Wide awake!"

"Fresh as daisies!"

Mikey let out a yawn before falling to the floor.

Splinter hummed as he pulled out a wooden sword. "So you would not object to a little Randori?"

"Well-" Mikey started before he was cut off, getting hit with the wooden sword.

All four turtles were wiped out on the floor and Splinter stood over them with disappointment.

"I hope you have learned, turtles, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts."


Leo sat in front of the TV while watching Splace Heroes, a huge smile playing across his face.

"Captain Ryan! The rebellion is growing! We have to get off this planet!" Crankshaw cried out on the screen.

"No!" Captain Ryan

"But, Captain-" Slap!

"I said no! We may have started this rebellion by accident, but by the rings of Nebulon, we are going to finish it on purpose!" Captain Ryan shouted with Leo quoting him along with the show.

"Aye, sir!" Crankshaw replied.

"Seen this enough times there, chief?" Raph teased as he read his comic.

"Would you shh! This is the best part!" Leo scolded quickly.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. We've received shocking footage of an assault on the T.C.R.I office complex in Brooklyn," a newsbroadcast came over the television.

"At last I will have my revenge!" A familiar voice sounded.

"Who- who are you?" A worker in the video asked in fear.

"You'll never know. I'm the thing that haunts your nightmares! I'm the nameless shadow who-"

"Baxter?" The guy asked.


"Baxter Stockman?" He asked again.

"NO!" The suit guy shouted.

"Hey, everybody! It's Baxter Stockman!" The guy said to the rest of his coworkers.

"I think his name is Baxter Stockman," Raph said as he crossed his arms, Mikey and Donnie joining to watch.

"Is this because I fired you?" The boss asked.

"That copy machine was already broken when I- I mean, I don't know what you're talking about!" Baxter yelled with a glare.

"How did he upgrade his armor so fast?" Leo asked as he looked at the screen in confusion.

As the video cut, they got a closer look at the power source of the suit and Donnie's eyes widened.

"He has the Tpod?!" Donnie shouted as he loomed over Mikey.

"Oh, um, I might of dropped that during the fight," Mikey admitted with a sheepish smile.

From Beyond The Shadows | Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz