Chapter 1

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"Luca! I'm heading out!"

"Alright, sweetheart! Be safe!"

Sofia smiled and climbed through the window, stepping onto the fire escape. She jumped down and leapt across to the closest rooftop.

She was used to going out on little night patrols as part of her training. She normally took on petty criminals like a group called The Purple Dragons, however lately there was a new group she had faced.

She didn't know much about this new group, but they freaked her out a bit seeing as they all seemed to be the same man. They were difficult to take down with her batons, but she had learned from her first fight with them that they were robots. She didn't know much else, so she always brought her swords just in case she had an encounter with the creepy robot men.

As she ran along the rooftops, she kept a close eye out and listened for any cries for help. She saw some civilians trailing down the street but paid them no mind as they weren't any danger, moving on with her patrol.

After a while she stopped and sighed.

"Another boring night. Che noia," she mumbled as she looked around, turning to go back home.

Just then, she heard a cry for help. She whipped around and saw the weird robot men taking a red hairerd girl and who appeared to be her father.

Without a moment of hesitation she leapt into action, her night finally getting interesting.


"You are going up to a strange and hostile world. You must maintain awareness at all times."

The four brothers looked at their father as they stood at attention, all replying with an, "aye, sensei!"

"Stay in the shadows!" Splinter warned as his sons started to leave.

"Aye, sensei!"

"Don't talk to strangers!"

"Aye, sensei!"

"Everyone is a stranger!"

"Aye, sensei."

The four turned and made their way to the turnstiles.

"Make sure you go before you leave! The restroom's up there are filthy!" Splinter called after them.

"Sensei!" They all looked at him with exasperation.

Splinter sighed as he looked at them, still afraid to let them go. "Good luck, my sons."

The four errupted in cheers before bolting over the turnstiles to leave the lair.

"Look both ways before crossing the street!"

Leo smiled as he looked back at Splinter for a split second before running with is brothers, ready to see the world above ground.

They made their way through the sewers and up a ladder. Leo went up first and poked his head up, lifting the manhole cover slightly to make sure everything was clear. He then moved the cover out of the way and his brothers followed him out.

They all looked around at the alley that surrounded them.

Garbage littered the ground and graffiti covered every wall. Rats scampered past them and Leo noticed a human asleep on a mattress with a newspaper covering his body. Sirens of all different kinds blared throughout the city in the warm night air.

Mikey was the first one to speak as he looked out at the city. "It's so beautiful."

Leo scrambled out of the sewers with his brothers  behind him.

From Beyond The Shadows | Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora