Chapter 23

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Splinter poured his tea as he sat in front of Sofia who was deep in a meditative trance.

He could feel all of her weight being lifted from her soul. It brought a small smile to his face as he took a sip of his tea.

He then turned his head to see Leo walk into the dojo, taking a seat beside them.

"How long does this make it?" Leo whispered as he gazed at Sofia.

"This is hour sixteen," Splinter said, setting his cup down. "I'm quite impressed. At her age, I was still too restless to sit and meditation for more than five hours."

"She's awesome," Leo mumbled, resting his chin on his hand.

Splinter hummed with a slight grin. "I'm proud of you for being honest with her about your feelings."

"Actually, she was the one who told me first. I was just really excited that she did. I was convinced that I didn't stand a chance. I mean, look at her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, and she's so smart, and her skills. She's perfect!"

"No one is perfect, my son. Don't allow yourself to come to that disillusion," Splinter warned. "That notion is dangerous in any relationship. Everyone is capable of making mistakes."

"I know you're right, but still, she's amazing. I shouldn't have listened to Raph. I should've just told her how I felt," Leo replied with his gaze not leaving Sofia's serene face as she meditated, oblivious to the conversation before her.

"I guess it's a well lesson learned. Don't listen to Raph," Splinter remarked with a light chuckle.

Leo slumped with a frown. "Yeah."

As the two continued to talk, Sofia peeked her eye open. She saw Leo sitting off to her side which made her lips pull into a smile. "What are we talking about?"

Both Splinter and Leo turned to her, seeing her eyes now open as she smiled at them.

"Leonardo was telling me about your date last night," Splinter replied calmly, though Leo's face lit up.

"Oh, it was perfect! Really, a true gentleman," Sofia gushed as she snickered slightly.

"I would hope so. I did attempt to raise him right. He kept talking about how cute you looked while you were sleeping."

"Sensei!" Leo squeaked as his face turned a dark red.

Sofia laughed as she scooted next to Leo, nudging his arm. "Don't worry, Blue. I always think you're cute. Anyway, what time is it?"

"Past midnight," Splinter replied.

"Shoot! School night! I'm supposed to be home!" Sofia shot up and brushed off her knees.

"I'll walk you home!" Leo spoke quickly as he stood up. "If you want me to, that is."

"Of course! I need my knight in shining armor to protect me," Sofia teased as she slipped her hand into his.

Splinter snickered at the two before he looked to his eldest son. "You may go. Be careful."

"Hai, sensei."

The two left the lair hand in hand, making their way to Sofia's apartment.

Sofia turned her gaze up to see Leo keeping his eyes locked in front of him. She gave his hand a light squeeze.

"Hey, are you okay?" She spoke gently.

Leo looked at her and nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'm just... really nervous I guess. I don't wanna mess this up by doing the wrong thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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