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Third Person Pov 

Kevin was currently sitting in his home crying his eyes out. Kevin and dayvon were both rushed to the hospital the sad thing being kevin had survived but dayvon hadn't. Dayvon had gotten hit to close to his heart so they surgery wasn't a success. Kevin luckily was fine the bullet had only grazed his neck and not to much blood was lost from his stomach. Kevin had woken up being met with doug and his family. 

Kevin tried to keep a straight face in the hospital when he was given the news von didn't make it. When kevin had gotten home however he broke down being mad with the world for this happening like how could this happen. He screamed at the sky asking why they took von away right when everything was fine. Kevin had also decided to help with von's kids since they had lost their father. 

A dna test was also being arranged for the baby that was soon to be born. Kevin tried to get himself together but he couldn't and he kept having flashes about what happened with him being shot and dayvon applying pressure to his wounds even though he was wounded. He could remember von saying 'it's time i prove my loyalty'. Kevin wanted to destroy everything in the room. 

He wanted to find the people who had came into their home and kill all of them slowly and painfully. He wanted to get some sort of closure cause at the moment with the way he was feeling he could blow everything up. Kevin decided the only way to calm his nerves was by listening to music the main song being played was addicted by kb mike. He loved the song it was one of his favorites. 

Kevin remembered dayvon telling him the song basically described how he felt for them. The song was accurate dayvon did kevin wrong but the male stayed by his side and even when he claimed he was leaving kept coming back.Dayvon loved kevin but had a messed up way of showing it. Kevin had done everything to prove his loyalty but in reality it was dayvon who had to prove his. 

Dayvon ended up proving it but sadly proved it with his life. 

the end 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

Proven my loyalty (kay flock x king von)Where stories live. Discover now