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Third person Pov

"I wasted my whole life" Kevin says with tears in his eyes. He was honestly tired of him always giving dayvon everything his heart, his loyalty and his time it all felt like a waste.

He still remembers the day they met and he wants more than anything to go back in time and stop himself from going to the shop that day. He wishes he would have kept walking and left von alone.

He also remembers running away from home and going all the way to Chicago just to get von out of trouble.


"Are you crazy!?!" Kevin whispers/yells at dayvon who came climbing through his window. "I know it sounds crazy lil folks but I need you right now please come with me" dayvon says before kissing Kevin's hand gently.

"I love you I need you by my side" Dayvon says before grabbing Kevin's face and kissing him sweetly. This was a big move was he really gonna leave home?

He loved von but was he worth switching cities and leaving his family behind. He of course after some convincing ended up going with von and leaving his home and loved ones.

~end of flashback~

Kevin felt like he could break down from the memory after that he was nearly killed and ended up getting arrested then started to lose Doug as a friend and had lost the trust of his mother.

Kevin wishes he could be done but he can't just up and leave he loved von and felt like after everything they've been through it would be a crime to just leave.

He wasn't going to leave but for now he was just going to keep his distance. He needed to focus on himself because this stress has been really messing up his mental.

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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