Chapter 9

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It was around 4PM in the afternoon when Serizawa showed up at Reigen's door. As nervous as he could be he rang the doorbell, giving Reigen some time to open the door.

He heard footsteps, then the sound of the door unlocking and just a second later they were facing each other, him and Reigen. "Hello," Serizawa said somewhat sheepishly. He was nervous about visiting Reigen's sister, it was painted on his face. "Are you ready to go yet? You said she'll be waiting for us at 5 o'clock. We still need to get there and-"

"I'll be ready in a minute. Come inside," Reigen gently took a hold of Serizawa's forearm and led him inside. The place where Reigen held his arm felt unusually warm to Serizawa. He touched Reigen before and Reigen touched him. Was the physical contact always so warm?

Reigen sat him down.

"Do you think this is okay, as a gift?" Reigen showed Serizawa a bag in which there was wine, some chocolate and some things he assumed were for the kid. Serizawa nodded. "Yeah," he said and nodded. "Should I have bought something?" He panicked for a second. Reigen shook his head reassuringly. "Don't worry, I got it covered. You're doing more than enough by going with me." "That's good to hear." Reigen smiled at Serizawa. "Don't be nervous - she'll be happy to see you. I know my sister might be cold at first, but if I remember correctly, she's truly a good person." "I guessed that. I might be nervous because I don't visit people a lot. I don't know." Reigen leaned down to be closer to Serizawa's face.

"Are you worried about anything else?" "Not right now, really," Serizawa was stumbling over his words, Reigen was really close. "Um, unless maybe... Do I look okay?" he tried to laugh away the nervousness, but that didn't do anything when he felt Reigen grabbing his tie. "You look amazing, your tie is a bit crooked, that's all." "You don't even have yours on yet," Serizawa said in a joking manner. Reigen straightened his back after he straightened Serizawa's tie. "Would you help me pick one out?" "Oh. Sure."

There wasn't a lot to pick from, but they decided on a light pink one. A little different from the one he wore usually, but not a bad pick at all.

"Should we leave now?" Serizawa looked at the time. 4:30. Reigen looked at the time as well. "Yeah. We don't want to be late either."

After Reigen locked the door, he turned to Serizawa. "Do we have everything?" "I think yes? What do we even need besides the gift?" "Nothing. We have the gift. Let's go." "Wait," Serizawa said and Reigen turned to him. "Your tie's crooked." Serizawa straightened it. "Now we can go." Reigen's cheeks were covered in faint blush. This happened really fast and it surprised Reigen. "Thank you," he half mumbled. He liked the gesture, he liked Serizawa's hands and when they were close to him.

The place wasn't too far so Reigen suggested they walk. If for whatever reason they couldn't walk back, there was still the taxi they could take, he added. That seemed reasonable - Serizawa agreed without a second thought.

It wasn't too warm, neither was it too cold, the weather was just perfect fo a walk like this. The conversation they had going on made it seem shorter than it actually was, so they were fairly surprised upon noticing the place Reigen's sister and her family were staying at for the time of any visits they had around here.

"Hey- hi- hello- No... that's too informal..." "She's your sister. If you're putting that much effort into just saying 'hi' then you'll be completely burnt out by the end of the evening. Just say 'hi, it's great to see you again'... something along those lines."

Reigen groaned. They were standing in the elevator, suddenly time was passing way slower than it was passing when he and Serizawa were walking there. It must've been the nerves that were getting to him, usually he was great at talking and ran his tongue as fast and furiously as he could, but today was different. He still was talking - but much less and most of it were just his worries, but put into words.

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