Chapter 2

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It was late.

As if Reigen was under some kind of curse he found himself drunk yet again in the same club. He came here with the same people that brought (and left) him there just a few days ago.

However alcohol never did him any good and today was no different.

He didn't want to end up the way he did before, so as soon as he set a foot inside that club he swore that he'll try to make it out at least sober enough to get home by himself, but the people around him kept pushing full glasses in front of him and it felt like saying no would be the wrong answer to these "kind" offers.

One by one, he emptied the glasses with the people around him. The sting of the alcohol was getting weaker with each shot he took to the point it made his throat numb to the strong beverage.

"Look at you, being all brave like that! I thought this wasn't your kind of thing?" A loud laughter erupted after the poorly made was said at Reigen's expense. Reigen just laughed along, not knowing what else to do. If he protested or denied this awfully unfunny joke, he knew more would follow, so instead of dealing with more, he decided to just deal with the first and hopefully the last one. Even though he was "just" tipsy, he was still drunk enough to not argue back the way he did when he was sober.

It seemed like Reigen's company had decided on not leaving as early as last time.

Which would be fine, if they were aware of Reigen's poor alcohol tolerance or at least stopped pushing countless more glasses in front of him.

Reigen was just really tipsy, is what they kept saying, but by then he could barely keep his head up.

What will he do if he ends up like then?

"Giving up already?" Reigen heard after he leaned back slightly. "Have another glass." Reigen shook his head and pushed the glass away gently. There was no way his stomach or his mind could handle another. "I have to use the bathroom," he mumbled, then shakily stood up, excusing himself from the table.

Reigen barely made it to the bathroom without his legs giving up on his way there. But an unpleasant surprise was awaiting him there - the only stall was occupied. He leaned against the wall in an attempt to ground himself as much as he could. His head was spinning and while he did feel present, he also felt like his consciousness was slowly fading away.

With the corner of his eye he saw someone lean on the wall next to him.

Reigen turned his head to recognize one of the people he was here with. He wasn't too sure he knew who the guy even was, what his name was, but he was at the table with them.


Reigen ignored him. He didn't have the energy or the will to talk.

"I said hey."

There was no reply.

When he put his hand on Reigen's shoulder, Reigen was forced to turn his head in the direction from where the voice was coming from. He shoved his hand off of his shoulder.

"What is it?" Reigen mumbled, taking half a step away from him. The guy smiled. Reigen felt something extremely unsettling when he looked at his smile. "I'm just here to make sure you got here safely." He glanced at the nearly empty restroom. "I thought you had business to take care of here. It's almost empty. What's stopping you?"

Reigen felt sick already, but talking made his stomach twist even more. Especially with this guy. He didn't feel intimidated by him, he rather annoyed. He didn't reply and glanced to see if the stall was empty yet. It wasn't.

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