Chapter 6

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"Kiss?" Reigen stared at Serizawa. It took him a second to remember that the kiss was indeed his idea.

Serizawa nodded.

"Yes. I-if it's alright with you, I'd like to kiss you." He nervously swallowed. "You made the offer. And I... right now I am accepting your offer. I'm curious. You said there's nothing wrong with it. Being curious, I mean." Serizawa had a determined look in his eyes, but it was still painfully obvious that he was nervous as hell.

"Oh, but if you don't want to, it's fine!" he quickly added.

"Of course I want to!" Reigen blurted out and covered his mouth, realizing he said it a bit too loud. He coughed. "Why else would I make the offer?"

They both were blushing, looking into each other's eyes.

"So we can... kiss..." Serizawa said carefully. Reigen nodded slowly. "Unless you want to save your first kiss for someone more special," he said with an awkward laugh.

"Arataka..." said Serizawa. "You're the most special person I know at the moment." Reigen's eyes widened and his cheeks turned red. "Oh. Well. Of course I am!" he said with an awkward laugh. "I mean I'm totally special and I totally understand the fact that you want to kiss me!" He laughed again.

They were staring at each other again. "So are we going to-" "Going to what?" "Kiss." "Oh. Oh, right! Of course!"

It didn't take Reigen more than a second to forget why Serizawa was even there in the first place and now he felt kind of stupid.

They waited for the other one to make the first move. "Hey, sorry for asking, but how do you do it?" Serizawa broke the very awkward silence, looking to the side. The tension was so thick you could proabably see it if you sqinted and then cut it with scissors. Reigen's face turned redder as he was hoping he wouldn't have to verbally explain it because it made the whole thing only more awkward.

However he was the one to propose the idea so he was the one to take responsibility. Plus it was for Serizawa - so it was worth the embarrassment he was about to put up with.

He took a deep breath.

"Well, first things first you put your hands somewhere - hold their face, waist, hands - wherever. Next step - you lean in and you close your eyes, turning your head sideways and then pressing your lips together. Do you get it?"

Serizawa nodded. "Oh, and always ask before you kiss someone - consent is key and it makes the other person feel respected," Reigen added. "And if someone doesn't want to kiss, just say okay and move on." Seriazwa nodded again.

"Then," he began. "Can I kiss you?"

As he said those words, he looked directly into Reigen's eyes and Reigen felt a thousand butterflies in his stomach when he was met with Serizawa's dark eyes. He saw them countless times and they were always just as deep and beautiful as the last time he saw them. Because they were dark, they reflected light very well. Even in that moment, he could see the reflection of the light from his apartment in Serizawa's eyes. How was this man single? he asked himself and quickly forgot about the rhetorical question he asked himself, because he realized he was just staring without saying a word once again.

"Yes," said Reigen quietly. "You can kiss me."

When he felt Serizawa's hands gently take his, Reigen closed his eyes and waited.

He waited.

And waited.

Then waited some more.

He opened his eyes and saw the inside of his own apartment.

Good People In Bad Moments (Serirei Mob Psycho 100 fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon