Chapter Nine: Connecting the Dots

Start from the beginning

Eliza only looks at Arthur. Arthur looks back to Dr. Dorkins.

"So, you're saying that this new treatment will give him that chance?"

"We...we're hopeful, yes. It has proven to work in other cancers, including brain cancers. Isaac's cancer is aggressive, but it can be fought."

"He's...he's a strong boy," Arthur says, almost reassuring himself. Eliza holds their son tighter as Isaac starts to fall asleep.

"Yes, Isaac is," the doctor agrees.

"Doctor, he's been very tired lately. SHould we be concerned?"

He looks at the sleeping boy for a minute.

"I do not believe so. His body has been through a lot lately–the chemo especially. Now that the tumor is returning, his body is trying to fight it. This new treatment is still not in his system fully yet, so we will still need to check on his to see how he is doing. Have you both had any difficulty with the treatment?"

"The only trouble we have had is the shots. Arthur, what about you?"

"Yeah, Isaac doesn't like the needles, but I didn't have to give him those shots when I had him."

Eliza turns to Dr. Dorkins.

"Arthur had him for the weekend. We started the treatments on Friday and he had the shots at the hospital that day."

"Of course," Dr. Dorkins validates. "Depending on his tests in a couple of weeks, we will adjust the vitamin shots accordingly to need."

"When will we know if this is working or not?" Arthur asks, leaning forward in his seat.

"Unofficially, when he begins to act and feel normal. His body won't be exhausting itself like it did with the chemotherapy. Officially, we will be able to determine it with more tests. We will check his progress every few weeks or so."

Arthur and Eliza nod comprehensively.

"Are you both ready to sign, then?"

Eliza turns to Arthur and he nods his head.

"Alright," Dr. Dorkins sighs as he pushes two documents in front of them. "As you have seen before, this is the detailed description of the treatment and this here is the waiver. The description will be your copy, and I will make you a copy of the waiver once you have signed it."

Arthur reaches over to pick up a pen and signs his full name.

Then without saying a word, Arthur turns to Eliza as she carefully transfers their sleeping son to him. Isaac barely stirs and sinks into Arthur's arms easily. Isaac sighs and Eliza smiles before turning to the desk and signing her full name also.

Dr. Dorkins takes the documents and turns to a small copier machine. Quickly making two copies of the waiver, he passes them to Eliza.

"And that's it. You'll need to come to the hospital once every two weeks to collect his treatment kits. Reuse the cases and we can just simply refill them. This treatment is not at a regular pharmacy, as it is related to cancer treatment, so just come directly to the oncology ward.

"Alright, Doctor."

"I'll go with you to the front as you collect your kits for this first period and we can schedule our next appointment. Only one of you needs to be present, but if you both want to be there...?"

Eliza turns to Arthur.

"Do you know what your schedule is going to look like?"

Arthur looks at Dr. Dorkins.

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