Pirate p3

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//This is a part 3 for a series from my first Hawks one shot book. So please go over there and read those chapters first. They're called Pirate Hawks and Sailor Dabi and Pirate p2. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update this story. I hope to continue it soon as well. Also if you didn't know, this is 100% inspired by ROSEMAGPIE. So please go support them. Their Hawks and Dabi cosplays are amazing and gave me the plot idea for this fanfic. I'm trying to stay true to their storyline while also adding a few things. I hope you enjoy their content and mine. ❤️‍🔥

All three of us look between each other.
Everything suddenly crashes down on me at once.
"So the one you met tonight was Touya. I'm so happy for you Keigo."
"The woman you have to let down is (Y/n)?" My captain inquires, looking at my love.
Touya frowns looking between Keigo and I. "Yes. (Y/n) I'm so sorry. I had no idea you two knew each other."
"(N/n) I had no clue. I-"
"Keigo," I quickly cut off the blonde.
He closes his mouth but his sad expression remains.
"I wish you both the world. You two deserve each other. Sail and think of me when you can."
My hands squeeze each other behind my back.
My smile is wide enough to hide my pain.

Touya walks up to me and takes one hand.
My other moves to squeeze the skirt of my gown.
It takes everything in me not to let my tears show.
He kisses my knuckles gently. "I enjoyed our evening, despite how short it was. But I cannot pretend to be something I'm not. I can't give you the life you want. I need to sail, I know that now."
"I understand. I could never deprive you of that. Keigo can make you happy; I cannot."
"(N/n)-" Keigo tries again but I cut him off again.
"Keigo, you better give this boy the 7 seas or I will personally-"

"(Y/n) who are you talking to?" My father opens my door and looks between us all. "Scandal!" He yells and points to Keigo. "Filthy pirate! You dare enter my daughter's chamber this late at night. Do you plan to take advantage of her in her nightgown?"
Keigo opens his mouth to protest but interrupted once again.
"Chamberlain! Harrington! Take this scum to the jail. His crimes will finally be punished."
"Papa, wait! He was-"
"Touya please protect my daughter from this pirate degenerate."
Tears stream down my cheeks quickly as the two guards quickly grab Keigo and Touya holds me back.

"The counsel will discuss your hanging tomorrow morning and if we're lucky we will send you to the gallows before sundown." My father sends the guards away while Keigo tries fighting back.
Unfortunately he's not strong enough to fight the two buff men holding him captive.
I quickly bury my face in Touya's chest and cry softly.
"(Y/n) this is for the best." My father grumbles then closes my bedroom door.

"He can't die. Please don't let him die." I beg and pound on Touya's chest weakly.
He silently rubs my back and looks at the door.
Eventually he pulls my face away and wipes my tears.
"I won't let him die tomorrow. But if my plan succeeds you will never see us again. Or at least...not for a very long time."
"Take him as far away as possible."
"I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy (Y/n). I pray someday you will find someone who makes you fall madly in love and will provide the life you deserve." He kisses my knuckles gently.
"How can I help?" I whisper, watching his lips touch my skin.

*Keigo's pov*

The two meatheads carry through the house and all the way to the jail only a few blocks away.
It's embarrassing having everyone's attention who is outside.
And this coming from a man who loves attention.
When we reach the jail Chamberlain holds me while Harrington puts the metal cuffs around my wrists and ankles.
The two throw me into my own cell and slam the door closed. They smirk and walk away.
"Enjoy your last hours alive pirate scum," Chamberlain calls.
"It was only a matter of time," Harrington adds.

I sigh and lean against the wall.
My hat tips forward so I tip it back.
"I wonder if... no she won't. Rumi will gladly take over as captain when I'm gone. I'm sure Fumi might mourn me but...it's pointless to hold my breath."
The moonlight shines through the tiny window.
Too bad it's too high to look through.
I wonder what they're doing.
She was crying into his chest but him?
Was Touya upset?
He didn't look too upset.

This wasn't...
Was this all a setup?
Did he really actually like me or did he want me out of the way?
If I'm dead he could marry (Y/n) and take over my ship.
And with help from their parents they could either kill my crew or convince them to work for them.

The more I think about everything rationally it all makes sense.
(Y/n) was never my friend and Touya was only using me.
I'm going to die tomorrow.
All because I rashly befriended a noblewoman and stupidly fell in love with a straight nobleman.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I curl up on the hard floor and eventually fall asleep.
Obviously it's not comfortable and I prefer my bed on my ship.
But it doesn't matter how the stones feel, because my sleep is plagued with nightmares.
Come morning my fate will be sealed and my neck will snap from the hangman's noose.

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