Congrats On Getting Through It

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(Y/n) cries softly into her mother as her father raises his hand.
"Stop it! Leave her alone!" The woman yells desperately.
"Are you talking back woman?" The man yells then slaps his wife.
"These damn wings. So white and pure with hints of silver. It's disgusting." The man growls and grabs the girl by her wing.
She cries out and squeezes her eyes closed.
The man continues to wear himself out by taking his anger out on his wife and daughter.

(Y/n) wakes up crying and Keigo is startled awake.
The hero holds the woman close and comforts her.
She looks around then up at her best friend's face. "Keigo," she whispers.
"It's ok baby bird. I'm here."
The (h/c) curls into his chest and calms down.
"That's it. You're safe here."
"I'm sorry. I thought I was over this."
"Don't apologize. Your therapist said you could still get nightmares even after your treatments were over."
"My last session is in the morning."

"I'm so proud of you and your mom. Maybe if we had a chance like you two we could've turned out different."
"How is your mom?"
Keigo frowns softly. "She's ok. But this isn't about us."
(Y/n) sniffles softly and cleans her face with a few tissues.
"I am always gonna be here baby bird. You are so strong and I am so lucky to have you in my life."
She smiles softly. "I love you Birdie. Thank you for being here, both physically and as support."
Keigo kisses her forehead. "Of course."

Come time, Keigo drops (Y/n) off at her therapy session then goes on patrol.
Her therapist hands her a piece of cake and smiles. "I'm so proud of you. I know you had a slight setback last night but if you push through it you will be ok. Just know you're feelings are valid, good and bad. If you need anything don't be afraid to text me. I know Hawks is a friend of yours."
"Yes, he helps a lot. He's been through a similar situation so he has been very supportive and over protective since I opened up about it."
The therapist laughs softly and nods. "We could all use a friend like that."

On his way to her place Keigo picks up a bouquet of (Y/n)'s favorite flowers.
(Y/n) sits on her patio watching the flames of her diary bonfire.
Keigo is about to knock on her door when he smells smoke.
His eyes widen and he bursts into her apartment.
(Y/n) looks over her shoulder quickly as the blonde runs over.
"Thank god," he mumbles.
"What's wrong?"
"I smelled smoke."

Keigo sits next to (Y/n).
"Sorry for making you worry."
"You're fine. What are you burning?"
"My therapy diaries. They told me I could burn them and recover. Think of it as a new beginning. I already feel better. And now that you're here I'm even better."
Hawks hands her the flowers and smiles. "Congratulations baby bird."
(Y/n) puts them in a vase, comes back then kisses his cheek. "Thanks Birdie."

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