✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .

Start from the beginning

Tony's eyes softened, his voice tinged with a reluctant understanding. "I know you're not a child anymore, Ava. And I know you want to make a difference. But I don't think this... Aurum is how you should do it." He finished, his concern evident in his expression. He began to turn, facing the door.

"So what's the alternative? Am I supposed to remain trapped here until you decide what's best for me?" Her words dripped with bitterness as Tony opened the door.

He turned back to face Ava, "I don't want you to be trapped, Ava. But I also can't stand the thought of losing you because of these powers."

Ava's anger flickered, replaced by a mixture of sadness and defiance. "I'm not going to be your prisoner, Dad. I won't let that happen."

"You don't have to be a captive, Ava. But I can't just stand by and watch you put yourself in danger either."

Ava met her father's gaze, "I'm willing to work together, Dad. But I need you to trust me too."

Tony nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Trust goes both ways, kiddo. We'll figure this out, together."

Tony left with Ava following, her anger tempered by understanding. In the kitchen, the group's eyes lingered on her so she retreated to her room, the door slamming shut behind her.

Finally, in a moment of quiet, she checked her phone to find a slew of missed messages and alerts. Most were from her friends and school, expressing worry and curiosity about her absence. Guilt pricked at her conscience. She messaged her group chat with Michelle and Liz, apologizing for her silence and assuring them she'd be back tomorrow. Then, she reached out to Peter, detailing the day's events and her reasons for not being in touch. After sending the messages, she set her phone down and sank into her pillows, her mind a jumble of emotions. 

Exhaustion settled in as she closed her eyes. However, before she could fully drift off, her phone began to ring. Picking it up, she saw 'Pete❤️' flashing on the screen.

"Hey Pete," she answered, her voice a mix of weariness and warmth.

"Hey Ave," Peter's voice came through the phone, filled with concern. "I saw your message. Are you okay?"

"Emotionally worn out, confused, angry... The list could go on." She said.

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Oh, Ave. I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

His empathy brought a small smile to her face. "Just hearing your voice helps, honestly."

"I could swing by after class if that would help." His voice sounded hopeful.

"Immensely, but my dad would murder me if he found you. He went apeshit just after finding your hoodie that you left." Ava smiled sadly.

"I guess we'll have to find some other way to hang out without alerting your dad then," Peter said, a touch of amusement in his voice.

Ava chuckled softly. "Definitely. Sneakier methods, for sure."

"Stay strong, Ave. If you need me, just text or call."

"Thanks, Peter. You're the best."

"Get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah, I will. Let me know how school is, and tell me if we get any homework."

"Will do. Take care, Ava."

"Bye, Peter."

As she hung up, Ava couldn't help but feel a bit lighter. Despite the turmoil, there was a sense of comfort in knowing that she had friends like Peter by her side. She placed her phone on the pillow beside her and settled under the covers, letting herself finally relax and drift into much-needed nap.

Aurum ✧ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now