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I was deep in my thoughts when a sudden knock on my door interrupted me. "Come in." Kourtney walked in with a bunch of papers between her hands. She put the invoices on my desk for the second time today and I have not even finished the first she brought a few hours ago.

Yesterday at that time I had already registered fifty invoices and took a look around the construction but today I barely registered twenty invoices because my mind was not at work today.

And it all had to do with the green eyed 6 feet 2 inch brunette man. Guilt was eating me inside out. I texted him twice and he said he was doing better than last night so I didn't push it further.

"These are the rest of the invoices of today and since it's almost lunch time I-" "lunch time?" I looked at the big wall clock behind Kourtney that said 12:48. Several thoughts ran through my mind at the same time.

Did he have lunch? Breakfast? Chances were 50 50. The last full meal he had was yesterday's lunch before I made him that shitty dish for dinner. I definitely won't be able to swallow a bite knowing I have made someone lose his appetite.

Nah..I have got to fix this.

"Put all the invoices today on my desk. I will check them tomorrow but now I have gotta go." "ah" she just spelled those two letters, not sure what to say further.

"I'm sorry I didn't inform you earlier but it's kind of urgent." "oh no no. don't worry. I will take care of the invoices." she gave me a sweet smile which I returned before grabbing my purse and making my way out.



I was laying down on the couch with a bag of popcorn in my hands. I was starving but had zero stamina to cook or even walk. I kept changing the channel on the television but nothing interesting was going on. Didn't touch my phone cause I will end up sexting which means breaking the deal with brownie.

Speaking of her, she was on my mind for a good while today. I remember my stomach growling in front of her. I have never been embarrassed about these stuffs. Like these stereotypical ones but today I was hella embarrassed.

She was right in front of me looking all elegant and beautiful and smelling like the sweetest flower on this planet earth and I was with my baggy eyes, messy hair, wrinkled t-shirt and with a stomach that had growled right in front of her face.

I was feeling a lot better than yesterday but I had this feeling I had to eat carefully for the next few days. I didn't wanna tell brownie that the reason for my condition was the dish she made yesterday but had this feeling that she figured it out. That was why she was all sympathetic.

But I really was a weak ass when it comes to spice. She handled it like a pro and it didn't even affect her.

A couple of popcorn fell near my collarbone as I was laying down. Before I could eat them without changing my position or without using my hands the doorbell interrupted me. 

Who could it be at this moment?

Forcing myself onto my feet with the bag of popcorn in my hand and I made my way to the door. I couldn't give two shits about me looking like nothing but a homeless man right now.

After opening the door I felt like I gave more than just two shits. Thousand shits probably cause on the other side of the door stood brownie, looking as beautiful and elegant as always.

She eyed me up and down for a second and I realised I was wearing two different socks. Black and grey. Hah great. Cherry on top on my look of today.

This is probably the first time a girl has seen me in this state. All messy and gross because I was the hot charming one among the ladies.

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